Trains, Trains and …Trains

The city of Minot has a rich history with trains and the railroad. In fact, it was the railroad that created the town itself. According to the City of Minot website, “Minot came into existence in 1886, when Jim Hill’s Great Northern Railroad ended its push through the state for the winter, after having trouble […]
Military Single Parents Support Group Reaches Minot

It’s a Small Air Force– This phrase is spoken when referring to the way words, needs or people travel within the Air Force. Even though there are bases all over the world, many members and families find themselves meeting up with old friends or discovering that the struggles of people in the military are universal […]
Save Your Speed for When You’re Near the Finish Line

Running is my favorite sport and I like when my legs are moving fast. I ran at the Minot Park District Olympics in June and July. This summer I ran at the Duane Carlson Stadium at Minot High School. I ran on Wednesdays in the afternoon.I always feel ready for track. To get ready, I […]
Fitness Feature: Marathon Training

The Air Force active duty members are a physically fit group of people. Many choose to go above and beyond their annual PT training and aim for higher goals. A group of Airmen on Minot AFB have set their sights on participating in the esteemed Air Force Marathon on September 17 and are working together […]
Defenders in Action

Courtesy of TSgt Johann A. Gonzalez On the 24 of June 2022 members of the 5th Security Forces Stan Eval and Weapons & Tactics sections hosted Cadets from the Air Force Academy during a visit put on by the 5th Bomb Wing. Cadets had an opportunity to immerse themselves within the Security Forces Career field […]
A Day at the Base Pool

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon when the temperature barely reached 82 degrees and the slight breeze made the cloud spotted sky a perfect day at the pool in Minot ND, this reporter caught up with some Minot AFB swimming pool goers to find out what they enjoyed the most about going to the pool. Married […]
Best Bases in the Air Force: Hanscom Air Force Base

There are so many large and frequently talked about Air Force Bases either for the good or the bad. Each AF family that has been around a while will have a story to share when asked, “Where has been your favorite base?”. The purpose of this “Best Base” feature series is to highlight the lesser-known […]
Recommended: Amtrak

Would you like to travel on a train? I rode the Amtrak train from Minot to Chicago for Thanksgiving last year with my family. The train was magical. It swayed back and forth and rode the rails extremely fast. We went from Minot Station to Union Station in Chicago. Trains have different cars which allow […]
The Other Dakota: Worth the Drive – A road trip must for everyone at Minot

I’m a traveler now. I wasn’t always. After we were stationed at RAF Mildenhall, England, about 10 years ago, I uncovered a European attitude that I wasn’t aware existed. The Europeans (much before Covid) all seemed to adopt a traveling spirit that I hadn’t found in the 25 years I lived in the US. Traveling […]
On the Journey to College

If you have a college bound high school junior or senior, there are many tasks to accomplish in preparation for college applications. This can often be overwhelming for students and parents. However, the summer is the perfect time to begin planning and preparing for this journey. Over the next several weeks, we will break down […]