Courtesy of TSgt Johann A. Gonzalez
On the 24 of June 2022 members of the 5th Security Forces Stan Eval and Weapons & Tactics sections hosted Cadets from the Air Force Academy during a visit put on by the 5th Bomb Wing.
Cadets had an opportunity to immerse themselves within the Security Forces Career field by taking part in training such Combatives, ASP/Baton training, Active Shooter Training, and even watched a K-9 demonstration put on by Kennel Master TSgt Julian Jackson and Handlers SrA Pedersen and SrA Gutshall.
Unlike tours or visits conducted in the past having cadets sit in a classroom and watch PowerPoints, this time around Cadets were not only trained and given the opportunity to fight but also go inside our shoot house and run active shooter scenarios.
Perhaps what made this visit truly unique and special to these Cadets was the opportunity to speak and learn about the career field from subject matter experts who do this daily. In the photos you will see SSgt Andres Brambila and SrA Rene Yzaguirre leading the cadets in Combatives training. During the training Cadets were taught how to properly subdue a suspect under stressful conditions while maintaining situational awareness of their environment.