Global Thunder 23

Annual Nuclear Command and Control Exercise Begins at Minot U.S. Strategic Command commenced its annual nuclear command and control exercise, Global Thunder, April 11, 2023.Global Thunder 23 (GT23) involves personnel throughout the strategic enterprise including USSTRATCOM components and subordinate units. The purpose of GT23 is to enhance nuclear readiness and ensure a safe, secure, and […]
You Said Onions?

A friend of mine, Marvin Baker, has a garden in Carpio. In North Dakota having a garden would certainly not make him unique, except that Marvin runs North Star Farms where he raises and sells naturally grown prairie produce. Marvin and I met some years ago as he used to be the weekend editor of […]
Potholes and Road Work

The snow is gone—for now. The streets are dry—for the most part. That crazy ice dam near Jersey Mike’s and Noodles & Co has melted. Signs of winter are fleeting—although the forecast still insists on including a chance of snow flurries, just to keep us on our toes. And while many of us are joyously […]
Maple Sugaring Day

A horse drawn wagon, flannel shirts, floppy eared caps, smiling faces, the smell of fresh pancakes, and sweet maple syrup.Vermont?Nope. Fort Stevenson State Park a few miles south of Garrison. Standing under one of the park’s most reliable box elder trees, Park Manager Chad Trautman, was talking to park visitors.“I know. We’re crazy,” said Trautman. […]
Part II: North Dakota, more diverse than you think…

When looking at farm and ranch statistics from the USDA Census of Agriculture, a person could take all day picking apart the various numbers, crops, livestock and even ag processing. There are farms themselves, which in 2017 totaled 26,374 that included 39.3 million acres. The average size of a North Dakota farm was 1,492 acres […]
PCS & Personal Property Prep

A major stressor during a PCS is what to do and how to schedule the moving of your personal property. Personal property resources are available at under the “Moving & PCS” section. Online tools include the Defense Personal Property Program (DPS),, where you can upload your orders, ship household goods, manage unaccompanied baggage, […]
Calling First Time Car Buyers: Tips & Tricks for Financial Success

Everyone has to start somewhere in the game of life. Every adult has been a first-time buyer with little to no credit. Venturing out into life can be confusing and really stressful for some. Adulting is not an easy business and the first few steps a person makes in their financial journey can be the […]
Minot AFB SFS officer receives top level award

The North Dakota Air National Guard’s (NDANG), 119th Wing, known as the “Happy Hooligans,” recognized the organization’s top officers, noncommissioned officers and Airmen of the Year last month, during a ceremony at the Hilton Garden Inn, Fargo, N.D. Airmen were nominated for the awards based on their military and civic service throughout 2022. The Outstanding […]
Let The Events Start: Downtown Minot Schedules a Busy Summer

Even though winter held on a little longer than what we would have wished for, they recent days of 50 plus, and even 60 plus degree weather has given us hope that warm summer days and evenings will soon be the norm. Events in MayMay 13 the Downtown Business and Professional Association will sponsor Mimosas […]
Jr Journalism: Our Visit to Assiniboine Park Zoo

Recently, our family visited Winnipeg. Winnipeg is the capital of Manitoba, Canada. We had a lot of fun! Our favorite thing that we did in Winnipeg was visit the Assiniboine Park Zoo. The Zoo is open year-round. It was a bit chilly the day we went, about 20F, so we wore our snowsuits to stay […]