Recently, our family visited Winnipeg. Winnipeg is the capital of Manitoba, Canada. We had a lot of fun! Our favorite thing that we did in Winnipeg was visit the Assiniboine Park Zoo.

The Zoo is open year-round. It was a bit chilly the day we went, about 20F, so we wore our snowsuits to stay warm. One of the things the Assiniboine Park Zoo is known for is its artic exhibit, called Journey to Churchill. It had polar bears, seals, artic fox, snowy owls, reindeer, muskox and a movie!
We walked through a glass tunnel in the polar bear exhibit and saw a polar bear swimming right above our heads! It was playing with a ball. We really liked the Artic Fox. It was very fluffy and cute, with a long puffy tail. We watched it get fed a huge hunk of meat.
We enjoyed watching the energetic Goeldi Monkeys play in their exhibit. During our visit those were our three favorite animals. We learned there are over 150 animals from all over the world at Assiniboine Park Zoo. We had a lot of fun visiting Winnipeg! If you get a chance to go there, be sure to visit Assiniboine Park Zoo!