#X294 Retired

With a service history of over nine years, including seven years at Minot Air Force Base, Deny has ended his career and now will retire to a good home, one that knows him well. Senior Airmen Ryan Gutshall has been part of Deny’s life for the past two and a half years, including eight months […]
It’s Getting Even Better:
Northern Sentry’s Jr. Journalism Program

Wait, what is journalism? It encompasses getting information about a person, place or event and writing it down for others to read about. Sounds easy right!? The Northern Sentry understands how important GOOD journalism is and how the craft is getting a bit lost on younger generations. So, the Jr. Journalism Program has been created […]
Best Bases in the Air Force: Aviano Air Base

Who joined the Air Force to always stay in one place and never leave their hometown? Maybe some, but many join for the chance to go places, see new things and experience the world, among other reasons (job security, paid training, benefits, etc.). But we’re focusing on the travel aspect of the Air Force way […]
She’s Not From Around Here: Trash Christmas

My favorite biannual holiday starts on Monday.That’s right, I’m talking about Trash Christmas.I know a lot of new folks have moved into Minot since the last Trash Christmas, so I thought it only fair to write about it again. (Read my first article on Spring Trash Christmas, here.) Isn’t letting all these newcomers know about […]
Upside Down Under: Honoring an icon…

For the past several days the news has been dominated by the loss of Queen Elizabeth II and rightfully so. She was probably the best known person on the face of the earth. And while some people believe it has been overdone, there are plenty of Americans, plenty of North Dakotans, who have been mourning […]
A View From Our Side: Around Town…

Fall Festival Provides A Great Opportunity It was a nice day on Saturday, a bit cool in the morning, but by afternoon we had partly cloudy skies with a bit of sun and really nice temperatures, and as many people pointed out, no wind!At 9 AM there were well over 130 classic cars lining the […]
Jr Journalism: Things to do in Winter

Reading this article, people who have been here last winter will think I am a crazed maniac when I say there are things to like about winter in North Dakota. I can assume everybody can agree that there are downsides, but don’t make it feel like it is a deathtrap. Believe it or not there […]