Once every month the Youth Center on base has a skate night. I like to go to it and ride around in circles on my roller skates. Some of my classmates also go, so I have fun with them. There they turn off the lights and turn on the disco lights which makes it fun to ride around with friends. They also have snacks there, so you can eat them after you ride around.
They have two different skates, the roller skates, which have four wheels, and the roller blades that have three wheels in a straight line. I’ve already gone there a lot of times and it is really fun so I can’t wait for the next one that they will have. It costs $3 to come alone, and $5 for a family.
I got my rollerblades for my birthday and now I love to go to the Youth Center and ride them. Also, if you have your own roller blades or skates, you can go to the indoor Turf on base and skate around there. It is really fun to roller blade or roller skate so hopefully you’ll be able to come and I will see you at the next skate night.