The Cutest Mardi Gras Parade in Minot

FCC Provider Gina Clark-Nelson created a Mardi Gras
style parade for her tiny students.

Fat Tuesday -Mardi Gras, the day before Ash Wednesday and the kickoff of the Lent season- is not widely celebrated in North Dakota. But this year it was embraced in the cutest way possible. On the morning of Tuesday, February 21, a handful of toddlers and preschoolers marched around Building 164 for its first-ever Mardi Gras Parade.

Mardi Gras parades and celebrations are well enjoyed in some southern states, famously Louisiana and Alabama, where the first Mardi Gras Parade was thought to have taken place. Mardi Gras is also known as Carnival season to celebrate eating and revelry prior to “giving up” certain foods or activities for Lent. Most cities in Louisiana are filled with balls, parties, king cakes and of course colorful parades. Air Force families that have spent time at Barksdale AFB, near Shreveport, Louisiana, will understand that Mardi Gras and Carnival are huge, family friendly (usually) celebrations that rival Christmas as far as décor and merriment. Even though Mardi Gras is life to some southerners, many others are completely oblivious to the holiday and what it means.

FCC Provider Gina Clark-Nelson created a Mardi Gras
style parade for her tiny students.

In order to help spread culture and her joy of Mardi Gras, Family Child Care provider Gina Clark-Nelson organized her own parade with her children she cares for and allowed their family members to come watch and participate too. As an FCC provider she is encouraged to create at least two parent involvement activities per year and thought the kids would enjoy it immensely. With the help of the Child & Youth Services, Clark-Nelson created a small presentation about the history of Mardi Gras and the fun behind the tasty king cakes for the parents. She explained that finding the little plastic baby in the cake means you will have good luck in the coming year! Clark-Nelson mentioned that it was funny because she put a lot of mini plastic babies in the cake and so almost everyone found one, therefore bestowing good luck on all the parents!

The smiling babies & toddlers were pulled around the makeshift parade route in wagons and strollers which were decorated to look like floats. Everyone had a blast throwing beads and waving at their guests. Even though the parade only lasted about 3-5 minutes in total, it was a unique event for the parents and kids alike. Clark-Nelson will be moving away before next year’s Mardi Gras, but said she had fun organizing the event and is thinking about making this a yearly tradition for her in-home FCC daycare no matter where they live.

While this Mardi Gras event was the only one held in a public place, many other FCC providers also celebrated the day with mock parades and fun activities at their homes.

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