Horror is a passion for Mike McCloud! It was this passion that inspired McCloud, Facilities Director of the Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, to create the first ever Midwest Monster Con in Minot. He has always been into horror movies and the Halloween season. Like wearing costumes when he or his wife answers the door, so the kids not only get a treat, but also a little bit of a scare. He began to help with a local event and learned how to host a convention, and saw a need, that around Halloween, people and families looked for activities to do. McCloud explained that he is excited to offer the Minot community even more Halloween related events based around scary movies.

This spooky convention is on October 5th from 10:00-5:00 at the Minot Municipal Armory (The Armory). Because of the mature horror theme, the event is geared more toward teenagers and adults.
Horror seekers and fright aficionados can expect awesome events and decorations that they might find fun and interesting. First, the North Dakota Paranormal Investigators (NDPI), four women who travel throughout the state searching for ghosts and other energies, are going to investigate The Armory, the place where everyone at the Monster Con will be gathered. NDPI investigates live for all to see. Maybe they’ll hear voices, see shadows, or have the feeling of being watched.
In addition to ghosts and spirits, Midwest Murder Investigators, known for the self-named podcast, will also be making an appearance at Monster Con. They reveal their detailed knowledge on the investigations of solved and unsolved local murders. Come and see what they uncover!
While costumes are not absolutely required, Monster Con encourages attendees to wear unique and scary costumes to help create the atmosphere for the event and to participate in the applause-based costume contest. Door prizes will be given to the winners.
If you’re into Halloween decorations, a special Oddies and Curiosities vendor from Bismark will offer decorative merchandise. Oddities consist of obscure, farfetched objects or creatures that people have made from crafts, such as a Merman. Halloween related board games will be available for people to play, and horror movies will be playing in the background.
Interested in creating your own scary story? Monster Con plans on releasing a Mini Horror Film Contest and the special effects (FX) make-up artists will give a how-to on basic tips for creating your own gore! The details on how to enter the film contest and the requirements will be revealed at the convention. Once participants submit their entries, the films will be posted online, and people can view the vote and see who was selected. Just before Halloween!
Since this event is new, tickets can only be purchased at the door, and there are no restrictions on ticket sales since The Armory can hold up to 600 people. On Friday night, October 4th, there will be a Bar’muda Pub Crawl, which is a precursor to the Monster Con. For more information, visit https://allevents.in/minot.bar’muda-pub-crawl/200027194166302 .
McCloud loves horror because of the anticipation that you don’t know what’s going to happen next. He says, “Even though when we watch a scary movie, we always think ‘oh, they should do this’ but sometimes they’ll do something that’s so off-the-wall that you didn’t expect them to do that, and it’s just that anticipation. And the genre of horror, when you look at all the different things that it covers, it can reach so many people.” More than business, horror is a passion for McCloud. So, see you at the Midwest Monster Con on October 5th from 10:00-5:00 at the Minot Municipal Armory, if you dare.