Let The Events Start: Downtown Minot Schedules a Busy Summer

Even though winter held on a little longer than what we would have wished for, they recent days of 50 plus, and even 60 plus degree weather has given us hope that warm summer days and evenings will soon be the norm.

Events in May
May 13 the Downtown Business and Professional Association will sponsor Mimosas and Mocktails for Mom. The event starts at 11 AM with participating businesses featuring drink specials for Moms who take a few minutes off to come downtown to relax, shop and enjoy. Tickets are available on downtownminot.com.

Flip the calendar ahead one week to May 20 when the second annual Straight Up & Toasted event takes place at The Spot. We are proud to bring back Royce and Bekka Neeley from Neeley Distillery in Sparta, Kentucky. Bekka Neeley is from Minot and will return to help us host the event which features award winning bourbon, cigars for those who wish to participate, and plated hors d oeuvres from Whiskey Nine and Starving Rooster. The event starts at 5 pm and goes until 10 PM. A live auction which includes a guided tour of the Neeley Distillery in Sparta, will start at 9 PM.
Tickets are on sale right now on downtownminot.com.

Events in June
June 8 will be the opening night of Thursdays in Downtown Minot sponsored by the Minot Area Council of the Arts. In their third year, MACA brings a stage full of talent, food trucks, bounce houses and much more to Downtown Minot. There is no admission charge to enjoy the evening’s festivities, which normally start at 6 PM. For more information, check out the MACA website, minotarts.org.

June 8 will also be the Woof & Wine Walk starting at 5:30 PM. Bring those 4 legged friends to downtown Minot and enjoy a wine trail through downtown, stopping at various participating merchants for a taste of featured wine, and featured hors d oeuvres. And yes, there will be dog friendly treats at each location for those who want to share.

Looking Ahead

  • Keep watching the DBPA website on information on these upcoming events.
  • Fall Festival-September
  • Antique Car Show- September
  • Silobration-September

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