Bomber Task Force 23-2: Global Reach
MORÓN AIR BASE, SPAIN – This week the 23rd Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, operating out of Morón Air Base, Spain, performed missions in three different areas of responsibility. On March 12, the 23rd EBS flew through the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility and integrated with a host of partner nations, building partner capacity in the […]
Airmen of Minot: SrA Garrett Hightower, 54th HS
MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. —When the term “flight engineer” is heard, some may assume it’s a job that requires intense desk work, calculations, and mathematical wizardry. In reality, a flight engineer is far more than that; they also fill the role of a loadmaster, sensor operator, hoist operator and aerial gunner. Senior Airman Garret […]
A View From Above: Minot AFB Using Unmanned Aerial Surveillance Vehicles
The view from above is always much different than a view from ground level. Take the example of a bird that has taken flight to hunt for, or attack prey. The slightest movement on the ground can be detected and followed. For the U.S. Air Force, drone technology is not new, however the implementation of […]
Female Defender Initiative helps SF women thrive
MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. —Representatives from Headquarters Air Force/Security Forces and the Female Defender Initiative visited Minot AFB this week to discuss issues faced by women serving in security forces careers. The FDI team chose to visit Minot AFB due to the large number of security forces Airmen stationed here. The program, which is […]
Women of Wisdom Symposium
On March 15, from 1530-1730, the Women Inspiring Next Generations Organization hosted a Women of Wisdom (WOW) Symposium where guest speakers such as 5th Bomb Wing Command Chief Master Sgt. Tori Jones, 742nd Missile Squadron Commander Lt. Col. Amanda Filiowich, Maj. Holly Black of the 5th Medical Group, Capt. Christina Langel of the 5 MDG, […]
Slice of Life: Rattlesnakes and Bear Breath
What follows is somewhat difficult to write. However, I can assure you, dear reader, that my intention is not to sway anyone into thinking I am some sort of fearless adventurer. Quite the opposite, more an example of why women live longer than men. As you will see, and undoubtedly agree, what I am about […]
Upside Down Under: Rebranding the association…
Anyone who is a gardener in North Dakota should consider attending the North Dakota Farmers’ Market and Growers Association local foods conference May 4 and 5 at Dakota College in Bottineau. Each year the conference is geared toward better educating gardeners about a myriad of subjects regarding growing, harvesting, having a better display at farmers’ […]
She’s Not From Around Here: Where are we going, Mama?
“Where going, Mama?” My youngest son, Silas asks this question almost relentlessly. As soon as I glance at my shoes, or the coats rustle on the rack, I hear rapid two-year-old steps headed my way. “Where going, Mama?”I’ll give him an answer, but he’ll continue to ask. He’ll ask multiple times before we leave the […]
A View From Our Side: It’s My Pleasure
It’s always a pleasure to write about those experiences in life that give you an “Ah Ha” moment. This past week has been filled with those moments, the first being my return to Minot AFB, and North Plains Elementary School to teach the Junior Achievement course sponsored by Minot Chamber/EDC. A room full of 1st […]
Best of Awards Announced
The first ever Northern Sentry “Best of Minot AFB” Awards are finally complete! The votes have been counted, tallied and the people of Minot AFB are ready to have their voices heard! The entire process of the awards, from the nominations to the voting, was based solely on the popular vote and the voice of […]