A View From Above: Minot AFB Using Unmanned Aerial Surveillance Vehicles

The view from above is always much different than a view from ground level. Take the example of a bird that has taken flight to hunt for, or attack prey. The slightest movement on the ground can be detected and followed. For the U.S. Air Force, drone technology is not new, however the implementation of […]

Female Defender Initiative helps SF women thrive

MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. —Representatives from Headquarters Air Force/Security Forces and the Female Defender Initiative visited Minot AFB this week to discuss issues faced by women serving in security forces careers. The FDI team chose to visit Minot AFB due to the large number of security forces Airmen stationed here. The program, which is […]

Women of Wisdom Symposium

On March 15, from 1530-1730, the Women Inspiring Next Generations Organization hosted a Women of Wisdom (WOW) Symposium where guest speakers such as 5th Bomb Wing Command Chief Master Sgt. Tori Jones, 742nd Missile Squadron Commander Lt. Col. Amanda Filiowich, Maj. Holly Black of the 5th Medical Group, Capt. Christina Langel of the 5 MDG, […]

A View From Our Side: It’s My Pleasure

It’s always a pleasure to write about those experiences in life that give you an “Ah Ha” moment. This past week has been filled with those moments, the first being my return to Minot AFB, and North Plains Elementary School to teach the Junior Achievement course sponsored by Minot Chamber/EDC. A room full of 1st […]

Best of Awards Announced

The first ever Northern Sentry “Best of Minot AFB” Awards are finally complete! The votes have been counted, tallied and the people of Minot AFB are ready to have their voices heard! The entire process of the awards, from the nominations to the voting, was based solely on the popular vote and the voice of […]

So that’s the USO!

The United Service Operations (USO) grew out of a need for service member support in 1941. During WWII the anguish of American military members missing their home was taking its toll on their morale. So the USO was created by Americans to bring a little bit of comfort to wherever the US Military resides and […]

Blizzard emergency prompts CE, ambulance response

There’s no perfect time or place to contend with a medical emergency. But if it’s going to happen, one would hope it wouldn’t be 14 miles from the nearest emergency room under near-blizzard conditions. Airmen assigned to the 5th Civil Engineer Squadron and 5th Healthcare Operations Squadron teamed up to respond to a medical emergency […]

Magic City Discovery Center: When Can We Go?

Everyone in Minot sees it. It’s there on the hill taunting those that drive north on Hwy 83. The Magic City Discovery Center is a glowing, captivating building with untapped and mysterious treasures within. Well, that’s what we all have seen on the glimpses releases and what imaginations seem to explore. However, what is really […]

Let’s Make Sushi!

Americans call almost anything sushi. Locally, “sushi” can refer to rice rolls, raw fish or basically anything at a “sushi restaurant”. While sushi is a broad term for a Japanese dish made with vinegar flavored rice and usually raw fish, each type has specific names that are mostly unknown to the novice American sushi eater. […]

The PCS Pet Place to Go

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself,” said 1800s humorist Josh Billings. Although nearly 200 years old now, most would agree that the statement remains sound to this day. People love their pets. Dogs, cats, guinea pigs, ferrets, fish, lizards and much more will until the […]