Conversation with Colonel and Mrs. Baum about the 91 MXG

In order to understand the essential functions of each group in the Missile Wing and get an in-depth life and career perspective from Team Minot’s senior leaders, the Northern Sentry is running a series of articles talking to the people who understand the most about the importance of their group: the Group Commanders themselves. The […]
Conversation with Col & Mrs. McCarty

That Minuteman Missile. Its role is pretty important on a global scale. Because of this, the three Groups in the 91st Missile Wing complete their daily mission: “to defend the nation with a combat-ready nuclear force.” The Wing consists of the 91st Operations Group, 91st Maintenance Group and 91st Security Forces Group. In order to […]
891st MSFS achieves new heights

MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. —The 891st Missile Security Forces Squadron was awarded the 2022 Security Forces Squadron Outstanding Large Unit Award at the Major Command level for the first time in the unit’s history, and will go on to compete for the award at the Air Force level. The award recognizes the importance of […]
It’s A Pace That Takes Time to Get Used To… Exclusive interview with 91st Missile Wing Commander, Kenneth McGhee

NS- Col. McGhee, let’s talk about your career in the Air Force.Col. McGhee- I enlisted in the Air Force in 1998 after graduating from Rhodes College in in Memphis, Tennessee in 1997. I was a recruiter for a year, and then I headed out to Vandenberg in California for my ICBM training. I did my […]
The Northern Sentry
Welcomes Col’s Hoadley and McGhee
Not every Air Force base has a community newspaper like the Northern Sentry. Yes, our paper is certainly unique in that we generate stories about Minot Air Force Base and are vigilant in providing base organizations a communications resource for Minot AFB events. The Northern Sentry is also a resource for human interest stories about […]