Game On: Leveling Up Communication Skills Through Gaming

MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. — You’ve entered a lobby full of diverse characters, and everyone is eager for the match to start. You start to feel at ease as the announcer counts down. That day’s stressors wash away with each victorious scream and every defeated wail. Here in the arena, everyone can be a […]

Strategies to Beat “Summer Slide”: Part 1

Summer is a time to rest, rejuvenate, and refresh from a long school year. However, there is also the potential of “summer slide” while on break. Summer slide refers to the loss of academic skills and knowledge that can occur during the summer break. There are a few ways to address summer slide and encourage […]

We All Scream for Ice Cream

There is one treat that everyone thinks of when it comes to a hot summer day and that is ice cream. This refreshing treat has been a staple in the American diet since the 1800s when insulated ice houses made it possible to make and store the sweet, creamy goodness more easily. Since that time, […]

Discover 701 Day at MCDC

Did you know that North Dakota is one of only 11 states in the United States that uses a single area code for its entire state? On July 1st, North Dakota celebrates what is called, “701 Day.” A day to celebrate the beautiful state that approximately 780,000 people call home. North Dakota is also known […]

Wendy Keller Announces Upcoming Retirement

Wendy Keller, Executive Director at the Magic City Discovery Center, has announced her upcoming retirement. Keller was a pivotal force behind the success and growth of the Discovery Center. Wendy’s journey with the Magic City Discovery Center began as a member of Give 360, the group that conceived the idea of opening a children’s museum […]

Norsk Høstfest Seeking Volunteers

The 45th annual Norsk Høstfest is slated for Sept. 25-28, 2024. To ensure a successful event, hundreds of volunteers are needed to assist with many tasks before and during the festival. Volunteers will receive free admission ($44 value) to the festival each day they volunteer, a free Høstfest t-shirt, a Spicy Pie pizza coupon, snack, […]

It’s Really Bittersweet

Col. Hoadley Leaves Minot, and the Air Force “Days, weeks, sometimes crawl by, but it seems like just yesterday that we were sitting down to do our entrance interview” according to Colonel Daniel Hoadley, who now leaves as Commander of the 5th Bomb Wing and is also retiring for the U.S. Air Force after over […]

New Commander, Familiar Face for 91 SFG

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] The 91st Security Forces Group has undergone some major changes in the last 15 years. Schedule changes were put in place due to the pandemic a few years ago, but before that, in 2016, the Group underwent a major shift in task organization and posting norms that shook-up […]

Let’s Talk Community Service

Cassidy Hjelmstad is Active On Many Fronts It might be OK for most CEOs to turn off the lights, close the door and head for home after a busy, pressure filled day. But for SRT CEO Cassidy Hjelmstad it could be a quick switch of hats, and on to the next activity, or activities. Not […]

June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month

MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. —June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. With the stigma surrounding men’s mental health issues, this month is key for visibility and spreading awareness. Laurel Grams, 5th Bomb Wing Integrated Primary Prevention Office director, recalled her time as a clinical provider at Minot Air Force Base in 2003 when most […]