Do you know who delivers your weekly Northern Sentry newspapers? Here’s an inside look at a couple of the youngsters on base who work hard each week delivering your papers!
Delivering the Northern Sentry newspapers since Nov 2023, siblings Charlie (8) and Renny (9) just love their job! They explained that delivering the paper is usually a whole family affair and even their little brother helps out. The Lorie family especially enjoys delivering the newspaper during the summertime since they can all walk outside and enjoy the weather while Charlie and Renny normally pull a wagon along filled with newspapers. The kids explained that the winter is a little different in that their mom normally has to drive them around, but sometimes they still walk and find snow hills to play on. Renny mentioned his favorite part about delivering the paper is “seeing all the new things” around their neighborhood. The siblings said that what appealed to them most about being delivery kids was that they could earn some spending money.
Another feisty Northern Sentry newsie is William “Will” Bickett, age 9. Will became interested in delivering the newspapers after he covered a route for a friend. Will said his favorite part about delivering the paper is “I get to walk with my family”. The Bickett family of six work together to roll up the newspapers and then deliver them together on his route. Will wanted to pass along to any other kids interested in delivering the paper that, “rolling might be hard but when you start delivering it gets fun.” His mother Malori Bickett, said delivering the papers has been great for Will because, “it’s teaching him responsibility and commitment”. She also stated delivering the paper has also “been a learning experience for her son about dealing with frustrations.”
Mason “MJ” Berger, age 9, started delivering the Northern Sentry newspaper a few months ago. His favorite part about delivering the newspaper is being able to do his route while walking and spending time with his mom. MJ stated that he really enjoys delivering the newspapers, and that he had actually started delivering papers by helping one of his friends with their deliveries, just like Will. MJ decided that he wanted to do his own paper route and also wanted to earn some money himself. MJ said that delivering newspapers taught him the importance of timeliness by saying: “it’s important to be on time” and that “it’s a big responsibility”. MJ recommends that other kids give delivering the Northern Sentry a try because “it’s fun to do and it’s a good way to get money.” He is currently saving up his earnings to purchase the next three books in his favorite book series.

One of the older and more seasoned newspaper carriers, Caleb Ottinger (15), started delivering the Northern Sentry back in October 2023. Caleb stated what he likes best about delivering the newspapers is “the ease of being able to memorize the [route] map and keeping in mind which houses you do and don’t deliver to.” Caleb always likes to keep the weather in mind before he starts his route. He likes to be prepared, saying, “[I like] to see if I need to bag them [newspapers] or if I can just use rubber bands” to secure the papers. When asked what made him want to start delivering the newspapers, Caleb said “I was just looking for a job to help pay for my boy scout’s stuff.” He also said he was looking for “a way to get out of the house.” Caleb mentioned that walking around to deliver the papers has helped with his endurance and sense of responsibility. Caleb said that “delivering the newspaper is a great first job” and that “it also pays very well.”
Another set of sibling carriers, Elizabeth West (11) and William West (8) recently joined the Northern Sentry delivery team this May. The pair stated they enjoy riding their roller blades when doing their paper routes. The whole family works together to roll up the newspapers and sort them. Their mom has taken on the responsibility of coordinating everything, that way the kids know which houses to deliver to each week. When asked what he has learned about delivering the newspapers William said “ [I] learned which houses to do or not to do” by paying attention to houses that are no longer occupied and have a lock box on it. Elizabeth and William have two routes to tackle, which they work on together. Their mom mentioned delivering the newspapers has given Elizabeth and William something to do and taught them the value of money. When asked what she thought about delivering the Northern Sentry Elizabeth said, “it’s hard work but worth it.”
These Northern Sentry carriers and their families all say that delivering newspapers is a great first job. That it has taught their children about organization, time management, determination, responsibility, and accountability. These sweet kiddos all seem to have fun and are happy to earn some money as well. Let’s give our thanks to these amazing youngsters and their families for working so hard to deliver our papers every week.
Ted Bolton, owner of the Northern Sentry stated, “One of my goals for the Northern Sentry was to produce a community newspaper for Minot AFB that embraces the feeling of living in a small town. Being able to offer the children on Minot AFB the opportunity to earn money with an old-fashioned paper route is an important part of building that sense of community.”
If you have a child interested in delivering for the Norther Sentry newspaper, please reach out to the Northern Sentry Facebook page.