Baseball, Softball… same difference right? Not exactly. Softball can be traced all the way back to 1887 where it is alleged to have started as an inside baseball-like game made out of a pair of boxing gloves tied together for a ball. Apparently firefighters at the time really got into the swing of the smaller field/bigger ball game and it spread. It went by many names such as Pumpkin Ball, Recreation Ball, Twilight Ball, Army Ball, Lightning Ball, Mushball, Big Ball and Night Ball, until 1930 when the name softball was finally officially attached to the sport. Following the right to vote in 1920, women became more active in many sports, but softball seemed to be a favorite as a smaller version of the American past-time of baseball. It stuck and women have been playing softball, both slow and fast pitch ever since.
Why the history lesson? Because this year in 2024, history is once again being made with the first ever for-profit women’s softball minor collegiate league in the country, the Northwoods League! With it brought four teams filled with outstanding level collegiate women’s softball players. The teams in the inaugural league are Minot Honeybees, La Crosse Steam, Mankato Habaneros, & Madison NightMares.
While the league is an offshoot of the baseball Northwoods League, which the Minot Hot Tot belong to, It is still the only thing like it in the country for fastpitch softball. Honeybees & Hot Tots General Manager, Monica Hocking, said that they were very excited to get this league going and the idea was originally founded by supporter and board member Dick Radatz, Jr. Monica also said that the season has been going well and the fans seem to love it. The team plans to return next season and they are even looking to possibly expand to more teams. She mentioned that they were sold out of the opening game and expected to be for their big finale game: Military Appreciation Night on July 31.
Not only will Military Appreciation night bring about special deals for military members and their families, (hint: $15 tickets which come with a free cup and drink!), but the Minot Honey Bees will officially give a unique nod to the special partnership between the city and Minot AFB by changing their names to the Minot Bombshells for this night only. Monica explained that for one night it will be a complete rebrand with new jerseys and other team swag. Bombshell jerseys will be auctioned off and proceeds donated to various places around town.
The Honeybees have hosted some other unique theme nights throughout this summer season including a very popular “Taylor Swift” night. Monica chuckled while she explained that the night was amazing to see and the girls who attended that game were so empowered and excited to be there. She said, “We probably couldn’t have pulled off a Taylor Swift theme at a Hot Tots game, but it was a cool experience for the players and the young girls in our community.”
The players on the Honeybees come from all over the nation. There are two who join from Minot State including pitchers Jasmine Blizzard and Kierra Fournier. Hailing from her own home town of Minot, catcher Ariana Diaz joins the Honeybees as a student at Southern Virginia University. A full roster of the Honeybees players, team schedule and tickets for purchase can be found on their website: https://northwoodsleague.com/minot-honeybees/
The softball players in this summer’s Northwoods League are using this experience as a way to build their skills, create opportunities and also have the fun of playing in front of huge big hearted crowds! Come on out and see a game in their inaugural season!