Like a Well-Rehearsed Ballet

I’ve seen it several times, and still the movement of a missile convoy across the plains of North Dakota amazes me. The movement of each vehicle in the convoy almost seems choreographed, and I am sure they are.

I had just left the main gate at Minot Air Force Base when the action began. Ahead I could see flashing lights, and soon the traffic on the highway ahead of me ground to a halt, interrupted by several white pickups and other military vehicles. 4 lanes of traffic on Highway 83, 2 heading north and 2 heading south, were stopped and on this very cold, blustery winter day we waited with anticipation for the familiar blue and white transport vehicle to appear from the gate and head down the highway followed closely by the security police vehicles while a helicopter hovered overhead.

No vehicle looked out of place, and they all worked in unison to control traffic, provide security and move the convoy down the road. I started to think about how patient the people in the vehicles waiting for the convoy to pass really were. Would this work in a more populated state? Probably not as well as it does in North Dakota. I have been out for a bike ride and heard the sirens and the helicopters off in the distance. “Guess they’re moving a missile again today” is my reaction as I go about my normal daily routine. But I can imagine that the process is certainly anything but routine for those involved in the movement of each convoy. I use the word ballet as a description in total respect.

A Little Re-Arranging
The frigid weather last weekend brought to a standstill the activities at Bottineau Winter Park during the Martin Luther King holiday weekend…it was just too cold!!! BWP Manager Daniel Fett made the decision based on the dangers of the minus 50 plus degree wind chills on the hill. But the traditional Military Appreciation Day at Bottineau Winter Park is not cancelled, just postponed until February 19th, which happens to be Presidents Day, another federal holiday and normally a long weekend with no school on Monday. But due to scheduling conflicts, Minot Public Schools will be in session on President’s Day. However Military Appreciation day will go on as planned.

The Northern Sentry and Bottineau Winter Park will sponsor 2 special days on President’s Day Weekend. Sunday, February 18th will be Northern Sentry Military Family Day at Bottineau Winter Park. Bring your family to BWP on either Sunday or Monday to enjoy the military family discount prices…and a lot of fun. Watch the Northern Sentry and social media channels for details.

Time For A Winter Walk
The next few days are going to give us all a chance to get back outside for some winter exercise, like walking, snowshoeing or even ice skating. Looking for more details on those activities, head to the Minot Park District web site. Trail maps, equipment rental details; you’ll find it all.

Best Kept Secret-Hey, We’re Open!
And on one of those really nice above freezing days, head to Roosevelt Park Zoo. You will be surprised at how many animals are comfortable in our North Dakota weather. Again, there are more details on the Roosevelt Park Zoo, or the Minot Park District web sites.
The Roosevelt Park Zoo is Open 10 AM to 3 PM daily.

This Week’s Chuckle
We’re now coming upon that season of year when the health clubs get less crowded as people abandon their New Year’s resolutions to get in shape.

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