Autumn is in full swing with great programming at Minot Air Force Base. As we adjust to shorter days and decreasing temperatures, the School Liaison Office serves as the Contracting Officer Representative (COR) for Yellowfin Bus Transportation and is excited to prepare for our winter bussing season.
Winter bussing at Minot Air Force Base is provided by Yellowfin Bus Transportation and services students attending North Plains Elementary, Dakota Elementary, and Memorial Middle School. This year, there is a new manager, Mary Lee Scott. Mary Lee and I are working closely together to ensure SY 23-24 Winter Busing is a success! In this article, I would like to highlight a few things to keep in mind as you prepare your student to ride the bus. These items include submitting bus forms, arrival to bus stop, communication, and the bussing town hall.
Bus Forms: Please remember to fill out and submit bus forms to yellowfin.minot@bragglines.com. This is an important step for all students to be accounted for prior to the start of winter bussing. As a point of clarification, Youth Programs transportation will transition to Yellowfin. As a result, please be sure to submit the forms to Yellowfin Bus Transportation at the above email.
Arrival at Bus Stop: The School Liaison Office and Yellowfin Bus Transportation encourages all students to be in place at the designated bus stop 5 minutes prior to pick up. This is necessary to ensure the safe and timely arrival of students to school and home. It is important are students are not missing a moment of precious instructional time with teachers and staff.
Change of Transportation: Communication is key as our students are being transported. Change is inevitable especially as we daily strive to fulfill a mission. If there is a change in transportation with awareness prior to a student’s arrival to school, please be sure to communicate this with your school child as a preliminary step. This provides the student with clear expectations and a sense of security. After this, share this information with the classroom teacher via Parent Square. If there is an urgent or immediate concern, please reach out to Mary Lee Scott at 701-500-4466 and/or the respective school.
Bussing Townhall: On Monday, October 16th, 2023, at 5:00 pm, the School Liaison Office will host a bussing town hall at the Jimmy Doolittle Center. This would be a great opportunity to connect with the School Liaison Office and Yellowfin Bus Transportation. You can expect an introduction to the bus drivers, and a detailed description of the bus routes,
We look forward to a fantastic winter bussing season and seeing you soon! If there are questions, please send me an email at mafb.school.laision@us.af.mil or 701-240-2380.