Under provisions included in the Military Housing Privatization Initiative Universal Lease and Department of Defense Tenant Bill of Rights, Tenants living in privatized housing have the right to prompt and fair resolution of housing disputes. Housing disputes could include issues and/or complaints related to rights and responsibilities established in the lease, such as maintenance and repair, rental payments, inspections, or fees and charges.
All disputes must first attempt to be resolved at the lowest level possible between the Tenant and the Landlord (Minot AFB Homes). If the dispute is unable to be resolved at this level, the Tenant can then work with the Military Housing Office (MHO) and/or the available Tenant Support Resources such as Chain of Command, Resident Advocate, Legal, Medical, and the Air Force Housing Call Center (AFCEC).
If the dispute is still unable to be resolved via the informal dispute process, the Tenant may pursue the formal dispute process; however, this can only occur when all informal dispute resolution options have been exhausted and documented.
What steps should a resident take when issues arise?
1. Residents should immediately notify Minot AFB Homes of the issue and submit a work order if the issue is maintenance related (701-737-9312).
2. Next, the resident should follow up with Minot AFB Homes, directly with maintenance or with the community office 701-727-0007 or minotleasing@bbcgrp.com.
3. If the issue is still unresolved, residents should contact the MHO at 701-723-4661 or 5ces.ceih@us.af.mil. Residents should also consider engaging with their chain of command or shirt.
4. If further assistance is needed, residents should contact the Privatized Housing Resident Advocate at 701-818-7075. The sooner an issue is addressed, the sooner resolution can be found.