You are writing your friends and relatives who have the impression that you have been sent to the frozen tundra of North Dakota… a place where all there is to do is hunker down for a long winter of darkness and cold, cold weather.
Well, let’s change that dialogue a bit as I give you some outdoor activity options. Hey, I have been down south when it was so darn hot and humid that outside activities were limited. It’s how
you approach the situation, right?
First, I was sent a photo of the new ice skating rink in Downtown Minot by developer Ryan Ackerman. Complete with a cooling system and ice surfacing machine, the rink will be opening on November 25. You will need to bring your own skates, but the new rink is absolutely free to the public. There is nothing that tops a brisk outdoor skate, either in the sunshine of a North Dakota afternoon or the evening when snowflakes fall, providing an unmatched winter experience. Give it a try, and our thanks to Ryan Ackerman for his contribution to the Downtown Minot experience.
The outdoor experiences certainly do not stop there. The Minot Park District does an excellent job of keeping the trail system maintained, and a walk through Oak Park, Roosevelt Park, the Bison Plant Trail, or the Woodland Trail, just to name a few, is another one of those North Dakota outdoor experiences. Dress warm and check the weather. There are a lot of 30+ degree days with limited wind.
Have you ever cross-country skied? Cross-country skis and snowshoes are available to rent at the Corbett Field warming house starting December 15th.
Monday – Friday 4-9:30 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday 12-9:30 p.m.
Located at 13th Street SE and East Burdick Expressway,(behind Corbett Field)
The cost for rental skis and snowshoes is $7. Rental skis and snowshoes are to be used on Minot Park District Property only. Trails are groomed at the Souris Valley Golf Course, Oak Park, and the Bison Plant when snow conditions allow.
Souris Valley Golf Course is groomed twice a week on Monday and Thursday. Bison Plant and Oak Park will be groomed every Wednesday. All cross-country ski trails are groomed after fresh snowfall. It is important to note that trail routes may vary due to melting snow and the exposure of grass in some areas.
Well, maybe it isn’t a secret, but a challenge. Right now, we have a great cover of snow. Last Sunday on the slopes near Magic City Campus, there was a crowd using everything from cardboard boxes to toboggans to slide down the hills, only to have to jump off and walk to the top for the next run. Kids in snowsuits were watched by adults to keep the activity safe. Seriously, a cardboard box works just fine. Give it a try and should we have a fresh blanket of snow- it’s another unmatched winter experience.
An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day. Irv Kupcine
As a journalist, it is extremely hard to write about Thanksgiving because of those many writers who have written columns that give you pause to consider what it is that we should be thankful for. The staff of the Northern Sentry would like to extend our thanks to all military personnel and their families for the job they do every day protecting our freedom. The mission at Minot Air Force Base will not take Thanksgiving day off. We know that even as we sit down to enjoy our Thanksgiving day meal, there are many on duty at Minot AFB. So yes, we are thankful, and yes, we appreciate the freedom we are afforded.