As a lifestyle reporter I am in constant search of those extraordinary events, and my recent trip to Minneapolis and Chanhassen Dinner Theater gave me a chance to see their production of Footloose. You can consider Chanhassen a part of the twin cities, but it is really a small town located on the Southeast corner of the Minneapolis Metro. Chanhassen has hosted dinner theaters of famous Broadway productions for over 30 years. Fiddler on the Roof, Mama Mia, and The Music Man, just to name a few, have all played on the Chanhassen stage. The trip to Minneapolis is about eight hours, give or take, and Minneapolis is also home to The Mall Of America, so there is lots to do besides Chanhassen.
Your evening starts out with a chance to order appetizers and adult drinks if you wish. Then you’ll be treated to your side salad and fresh dinner rolls.
There is a varied menu, but for our money, the Chicken Chanhassen is first on the list. There are steaks and pasta dishes available also, but the Chicken Chanhassen seems to be the favorite of most dinner theater customers.
The musical performance, well we have always walked away with a “boy, was that the best one yet?” conversation. The evening will finish at about 10:30 p.m., and you will be back on the road to your hotel within 15 minutes.
Footloose, The Musical, will be on the Chanhassen stage through February, so there is plenty of time to book a weekend highlighted by the dinner theater performance at Chanhassen.
Most evening performances include dinner, but some matinees are performance only. Go online at, and you will notice that there is a military discount option on all tickets.
The Mouse River Players will feature the comedy Little Women. Dates for the show are November 18-10 and 25-27. Tickets are available at
I just can’t hold back any longer. I have been a fan of knoephla soup since I was a kid. Yep, it’s truly a German tradition. Without spoiling the secret, it is named after the hand-cut pieces of dough that are added to a basic cream-based soup. Oh, there are other ingredients like onions and potatoes, but the kneophla truly makes the soup. Well, Jamaican Vybz has Knoephla soup and they add a bit of Jamaican Jerk. Just enough of a bite to make it exciting. Located in the Main Medical building, give their knoephla soup a try on a cold fall day.
Not going to give you the recipe for Potato Klub, only going to give you a hint that Christ Lutheran church has some left over from Norsk Hostfest. Again, worth a try. Call the church office for details.
Everyone should have two pets in order to maintain perspective: A dog who will always think you’re the greatest, and a cat who will always hold you in disdain.