Wintery Photo Contest

*******Contest Closes Feb 28, 2025 at 11:59pm*******

Family 5-Pack to Bottineau Winter Park!

Send us your winter-related or snow photos and you could WIN a FREE day on the slopes at

Bottineau Winter Park!

Winter in North Dakota isn’t lackluster after all! The frigid weather brings on snow activities, frozen experiments, unique outdoors activities and wacky weather too. We want to see the way you and your family experience the uniqueness of this North Dakota season.

Send us your photos of snowmen, snow angels, Northern Lights, sundogs, blizzards, snowmobiling, winter activities or anything that shows the way you choose to spend this season! Photos can be with or without people, but we’d love to see your smiling faces!

The Northern Sentry staff will choose a few of the submitted photos to appear in our printed newspaper each week! Not only that, but each photo submitted secures you an entry to win the grand prize: Family 5-Pack to Bottineau Winter Park!

The Bottineau prize is worth over $300 & includes:

  1. (5) Lift Tickets
  2. (5) Ski OR Snowboard Rental Equipment for the day
  3. (5) 2 Hour Tubing Passes

This opportunity is too good to pass up! Send us your winter photos now through Feb 28, 2025.

To Enter to Win: Submit your photo and a description of who/what/when/where on the Northern Sentry in the form.

Only ONE photo, per person, per day will be accepted!

Winner will be chosen at random from the pool of entries and announced on March 7, 2025 on the Northern Sentry Facebook page.

Rules and Regulations:

~ The Northern Sentry reserves the right to refuse to post any photos that are deemed to be inappropriate, dangerous or go against the safety or purpose of the U.S Air Force.

~ By submitting your photo to the Northern Sentry permission is given to the Northern Sentry to use the photos online, on social media and in the print versions of the newspaper.

~ One entry per person/per day

~ Contest is open to Minot AFB military personnel and their dependents, and the prize recipients are intended to be MAFB-affiliated personnel. Must be 18 years of age or older to win and be able to prove MAFB affiliation.

~ Prize must be used in its entirety in one day. The winter park entry cannot be spread over several days.

~ All photo entries will be counted as submissions (if they follow the guidelines) even if they are not chosen to run in the Northern Sentry newspaper print edition.

~ Photos must be taken in North Dakota and must be taken in the 2024/2025 winter season

~ Contest will run from December 13, 2024 thru February 28, 2025

~ Winner will be announced on March 7, 2025