Hope is the Color of the Sun by Erika Dyk Book Signing

Hope is the Color of the Sun: A Poet Scrapbooks Her Way Back to Courage is an atypical scrapbook of creative non-fiction and poetry that captures the writer’s journey back to hope and light after walking through the grief of losing her mother. The atypical scrapbook is a collection of writings in which the writing is like a scrapbook picture and the poet “captioned” each writing with when it was written and the inspiration for the writing.
Originally from Bowman, Erika Joy is a North Dakotan poet, writer, educator, scrapbooker, and haiku fan. She enjoys time traveling via writing and helping other people time travel too. She currently lives in Hazen, North Dakota.
Erika’s Haiku Bio:
A North Dakotan
Writer, adventurer, and
Seeker of wonder
Maker of paper
Constellation creator
Metaphor maker
River of ideas
Traveling to the ocean
Playfully flowing