Task Force 21 In Good Hands

Peter Hankla has been active in Task Force 21 since 1999. My guess is that when given the opportunity to be part of Task Force 21 back in 1999 Peter Hankla was probably seen as one of the “younger community leaders” that were recruited to bolster Task Force 21 as the focus switched from retaining […]
Only time will tell…

There’s a bill in the Legislature that’s already been approved by the House, that would eliminate Daylight Savings Time in North Dakota. Apparently, House Bill 1259 was approved on a 55-37 vote. This subject seems to come up again and again and it always gets voted down. Heck, I remember this was a “thing” when […]
The Bright Spot of Winter You’re Probably Missing

Over Sunday dinner at my home, a friend asked what we had coming up this week. Normally, I’ve got an answer (or twenty) to that question. A dear neighbor once described me as “not the type to let the grass grow underfoot.” That’s pretty accurate. I like to stay busy, and I never tire of […]
North Dakota’s hometown heroes…

Most of us who grew up in small towns in North Dakota didn’t believe at the time that we had much of a chance to become famous. The routine was the routine and for all we knew, we would grow up just like our parents and do the same thing they did, live and work […]
The Torch Is Passed

It was a typical Monday afternoon when Mark Jantzer, outgoing chairman of Task Force 21 joined me at the Northern Sentry office. We shook hands and almost immediately began to talk about his role with Task Force 21, and his hand off of chairman duties to Peter Hankla, current vice-chairman of TF 21. “I’ve been […]
Diversity at its finest…

We all know what happened during the oil boom. Some communities in the western third of North Dakota exploded with population and although that has now stabilized, some of those growing pains remain.Williston is one of the best examples. At the height of the boom, the city of Williston, which had a fraction of the […]
The Power Of The Pen

Back in journalism school our instructors would often lecture us about the “Power of the Pen”, which meant that as a journalist you take caution to make sure that you did not misuse your forum, which was the newspaper you were working for, to give an opinion or attack someone. Later, as I expanded my […]

On 2 different sides of the country there were 2 events. The fires that were turning neighborhoods in Los Angeles into apocalyptic terrain, and the history making winter storm that rocked southeastern states and brought record ice and snowfall, and brought that part of the nation to a standstill. I do not want you to […]
After the rubber meets the road…

Do you ever wonder what happens to your old tires after they’re replaced on your car? Do you ever wonder if there was a better way to prolong tire wear? Do you ever wonder what kind of recycled uses there are for old rubber like worn out tires? In today’s world, whenever you get a […]
How well do you know winter weather?

“Did you bring sunglasses?” my four-year-old asked from the back seat. “It’s so bright,” he added, squinting and shielding his eyes with mitten-clad hands. He was right. The snow blanketed the ground, and the trees were covered in delicate layers of snow and ice, like lace clinging to the branches. The vast landscape was white, […]