Pretty Darned Good!

It was a typical Monday morning, if there such a thing as a typical Monday morning, and I was going through my emails and thinking about some of the topics for this week’s article when there it was! U.S. Strategic Command Announces 2024 Omaha Trophy Winners! Certainly worth opening and reviewing, right? When I read […]
March is National MS month…

Editor’s note: This is the first of a three-part series about multiple sclerosis, an auto-immune disease that attacks the central nervous system. Statistically, North Dakota and Ohio have the second-highest incidence rates in the nation, followed only by New York state. There are numerous possible triggers including a lack of Vitamin D, heritage and radiation. […]
Walking Among Giants!

A recent Visit Minot meeting was held in the Flying Legends hangar at the Dakota Territory Air Museum. The museum is closed to the public right now, but the hangar is still filled with planes that have been restored to combat, and beyond, condition. I can almost name them all from the British Spitfire that […]
Visitor Burnout

As I sit down to type, I’m munching on complimentary Biscoff cookies, sipping strong coffee from a small paper cup, and balancing my laptop on a rickety tray table. We’re on a return flight to North Dakota after spending a week in northern Indiana visiting family. Every time we take this trip, I think about […]
A Photo Tells The Whole Story

I had the honor of being able to review every photo submitted to The Northen Sentry in our recent photo contest. It’s always a pleasure to see all of the various photos as they capture the people and the lifestyles of ordinary folks. In my younger days I was a very avid and focused photographer. […]
Where is Fort Rice?

A little known Army fort in a place most people know little about, had a big part in the settling of the western Dakota Territory. Fort Rice was established on July 7, 1864 by Gen. Alfred Sully north of the mouth of the Cannonball River and south of the Heart River’s mouth. In other words, […]
North Dakota Isn’t the Best

I want to set something straight.About a year and a half ago, I opened an Instagram/Facebook account called @HeyMinot. My family has been stationed in Minot twice, and we genuinely enjoy living here. In fact, we requested to come back for our second tour. Even after my husband separated from active duty and attached to […]
It’s all relative…

This recent extended cold streak we had is nothing new to us and although people have been talking about cold it’s been, we’ve seen this before. Zeeland, in McIntosh County, dropped to 40 below zero first. Then it was Crosby, then Carson and Elgin. And finally, New Hradec, in Dunn County recorded a 47 below […]
The Gathering Power of Coffee

You don’t have to live in Minot very long to have someone share information with you that was gathered at one of many coffee groups. There was a time when I presumed that these meetings were purely social…and that the information shared was more small town gossip than valuable news about local issues. Boy was […]
Time To Think Positive?

By the time you sit down do read the Northern Sentry, hopefully the very coldest weather of this horribly awful cold snap is behind us. I often think that the folks on the national and local TV networks look ahead and give us a ray of hope for improving weather conditions. The fact is…there is […]