Rodney Wilson

Thanksgiving: I Can Remember

Thanksgiving: I Can Remember

I have often spoken of my North Dakota heritage, and some of the memories of growing up in a small town. When Thanksgiving rolled around when I was a child it was more than a speed bump on the way to Black Friday. We had a fairly large dining room area that...

Thanksgiving: I Can Remember

I’m From Around Here

Sunday was an absolute great day, except for the wind. Looking up I even saw a few flocks of geese headed north. Think of how confusing it is for them. Snow before Halloween and 50 degree temps around Thanksgiving. Who would have thunk? (thunk is one of those slang...

It’s My Privilege

It’s My Privilege

I often sit in line for a couple of minutes when entering Minot Air Force Base through the main gate. The few minutes gives me an opportunity to think back to the first time I entered this gate some 45 years ago, a young journalist working for a local TV station...

Thanksgiving: I Can Remember

And Introducing, Alberta Clipper

Mr. Alberta Clipper blew through on Monday, bringing dropping temperatures, double digit wind gusts, and our first real taste of North Dakota wind chill. I must say that the past two weather events, last week’s winter storm and this week’s Alberta Clipper, have given...

Thanksgiving: I Can Remember

Winter Coats? Can it Really Be?

I have a very efficient spouse. This morning we awoke to “Winter Storm Watch” text messages. Having lived in North Dakota all of my life, I have often turned a deaf ear to weather forecasters who predict a winter storm when it’s still a couple of weeks away. However,...

Thanksgiving: I Can Remember

OK, Where is It?

Where is it? It has to be here somewhere. After all the ranger told us that the oldest tree in North Dakota, a Cottonwood tree, was located on the banks of the Missouri River inside the Cross Ranch State Park. Hey, just letting you know that my column today was...

Thanksgiving: I Can Remember

What An Opportunity

Minot Air Force Base is a Melting Pot of Cultures Where are you from? It’s the first question that I normally ask after meeting a new Airmen or family member stationed at Minot Air Force Base. “Where am I really from?” is often the answer, “Because I was an Air Force...

Thanksgiving: I Can Remember

What a Week!

Let’s start with Norsk Høstfest…what a great celebration! I can’t say enough about the hundreds of volunteers that were able to get Høstfest back on track. The time I spent at Høstfest was highlighted by smiles of friends and acquaintances, quite a few of whom I...

Thanksgiving: I Can Remember

Dates You Won’t Want To Miss!

Whether you keep your life organized on your smart phone or have a calendar on the wall, like me, there are some important dates coming up of events you won’t want to miss. We’ll start with October 8th at 4 PM at Anne Nicole Nelson Hall on the campus of Minot State...