Walking Among Giants!

A recent Visit Minot meeting was held in the Flying Legends hangar at the Dakota Territory Air Museum. The museum is closed to the public right now, but the hangar is still filled with planes that have been restored to combat, and beyond, condition. I can almost name them all from the British Spitfire that greets you when you walk in the door to the C-47 Duchess of Dakota Sky trooper. Then there’s Little Horse, one of the P51’s that are usually housed in the Flying Legends hangar.
The Dakota Territory Air museum is certainly a “must see” for anyone who visits Minot, but also sitting at the table were representatives from the many other “must see” attractions. I don’t want to forget any of the people at the table, but represented were the Minot Symphony, The Pioneer Village Museum in Burlington, The Scandinavian Heritage Park and Norsk Hostfest. If I understood Kevin Davick correctly, the Stav Church is now celebrating it’s 25th Anniversary. Then there was the North Dakota State Fair, The Minot Air Force Base which has schedule an open house on base on the 14th of June. The Minot Hot Tots and Honeybees will kick off their seasons on May 17th. There was an exciting announcement that the Downtown Thursday Night events will now move to the new Citizen’s Alley Area. It was good news to hear that the Magic City Discover Center is recovering from a recent water pipe break, and the Minot Parks and Roosevelt Park Zoo outlined their summer plans.
On the way out of the meeting, I took a few minutes to just walk around the planes in the Flying Legends hangar. I always feel like we are so lucky to have such great attractions in Minot. But we are also so very lucky to have the dedicated people who have the vision to build a historic museum like the Dakota Territory Air Museum or the Pioneer Village Museum. And once built, it takes thousands of volunteer hours to maintain and improve these and other attractions. I give them all a tip of the hat, and I encourage all of you to do the same; not only by visiting them and encouraging other to do so, but with any generous donation you can send their way.

Be Careful What You Wish For…
The conversation at the YMCA over coffee one day (remember my article about the educational power of coffee) turned to roundabouts. Some folks at the table absolutely hated roundabouts and others were quick to point out the advantages.
One gentleman pointed out that there have been roundabouts in Europe for decades, and if you’ve ever driven over there you’ll have to agree that traffic moves along pretty well. But that’s because they drive on the wrong side of the road and the wrong side of the car an elderly lady scoffed.
OK, just so we are all on the same page here, what is the purpose of replacing an intersection with a roundabout? I quickly turned to Wikipedia and found this:
A roundabout is a circular intersection where traffic moves around a central island. They are designed to improve traffic flow and safety.
As I read it to the table a guy across said “sure they are designed to improve traffic flow and safety, but you get those idiot drivers on ‘em and they are not safe at all. I was following a lady, and she stopped when she missed her exit and you know what, she was going to back up. What she should have done is gone around again.
And then I heard it…the saying that I remember from my youth. It came from a guy who was kind of listening to the conversation. He said, and I quote “Blessed Are Those Who Go Around in Circles, for They Shall be Called the Big Wheels.” And then he continued to explain that those people in higher places are the ones who thought up and keep puttin’ them dang roundabouts all over…you know the Big Wheels!
The conversation was winding down, when and older gentlemen said “next thing you know, they’ll be putting roundabout on the corners of fields. That way the grain trucks will travel have better traffic flow. Like I said, be careful what you wish for.

Best Kept Secret
I might be looking back, but this is for the next time around. Over 275 people took part in the Downtown Minot Cocoa Crawl. 18 businesses welcomed these folks into their stores and served them a cup of a signature beverage. There isn’t another cocoa crawl scheduled until next spring. But be on the lookout and be sure to take part.

Today’s Chuckle
(PS- I actually have 2)
1) They call them cellphones because they make you their prisoner.
2) The internet is a testament to the fact that there’ s always time to learn something useless.

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