The Gathering Power of Coffee

You don’t have to live in Minot very long to have someone share information with you that was gathered at one of many coffee groups. There was a time when I presumed that these meetings were purely social…and that the information shared was more small town gossip than valuable news about local issues. Boy was I wrong!

I regularly attend a coffee group that meets on Tuesday mornings, at approximately (more approximate for some than others) at 9:00 AM. First things first, start the coffee machine, turn on the TV and quickly scroll through the news sources on your cell phone. At first a lot of attention is paid to the stock markets as the Dow Jones and NASDAQ have just opened. I have to say once again that there is more interest by some in the small rolling numbers at the bottom of the screen than others. For me there is interest in the stock market totals, but I am far from a financial analyst.

Depending on whether the City Council has met the evening before our coffee group meets, discussion can quickly turn into sharp focus on city, and now during the legislative session, state business. The old saying about keeping your friends by not discussing politics or religion is quickly tossed out the window. I have attended several other local coffee groups and have quickly learned to get the lay of the land first before opening one’s mouth and giving an opinion. But once you are a bonified member, and you become a bonified member when someone notices you are gone and mentions your absence to the entire group, you already know which members will react to an opinion with “the look”. Yep, “the look”. Doesn’t take but a few seconds to let the table know with pointed glances that what was just said was accurate and pertinent news, or just gossip.

As with any social group there are those that prefer to carry the conversation, and those who sit back and listen and after garnering all opinions, will voice one of their own. Some abuse this right and carry on for uncounted minutes. Others, and I wish I had this gift, can gather, digest and summarize a vast amount of factual and not so factual information and quickly give an opinion that stops all other conversations. The correct answer when this happens is “I guess you are right” said in a meaningful and respectful tone of voice.

The rules of coffee groups, well at least the ones I have attended, are that no one gets too far out in the weeds. And if their opinion is such that they totally disagree with what was just said, they understand that an opinion kept to oneself is often times better than tearing off the band aid and ripping off the scab, just to make a point. Again, we are talking coffee friendly coffee group protocol. Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal, time is always left for an opposing opinion.

And finally, there is always that one person who when everything seems to be said about a topic, will emphatically and sternly give their opinion, garnering sighs and glares from other members. The nonverbal communication can sometimes be much stronger than anyone saying anything. There is almost a “wait for it” pause before this person speaks, because their response is expected. And oh, by the way, it will seldom agree with what has already been said.

Looking for a coffee group. Let me give you a bit of fair warning. The invitation to attend may not necessarily be the invitation to join. My suggestion is that you accept the invitation, listen to the discussion and you will know in your heart whether this is truly the coffee group for you. Good luck…

Best Kept Secrets
A shout out to the Minot Curling Club for hosting the Guardians of the Ice Bonspiel this last weekend. The Northern Sentry worked most closely with Wesley Mason, but I am sure there were a number of behind the scenes volunteers who put in countless hours to make the event a success. Also, thanks to Jamaican Vybz Kitchen and Ryan Ackerman of Ackerman Estvold for sponsoring the evening meals. Bagpiper John Young opened the 2 day event with both the American and Canadian National Anthems. Looking at the Minot Curling Club schedule, there are plenty of opportunities for young and old to experience curling. It’s one of those best kept secrets that makes winter more enjoyable.

Today’s Chuckle
The best evidence for life after death is the behavior of employees at 5 p.m. on Friday afternoon.

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