The 5th Bomb Wing Command Team would like to congratulate the 5th Healthcare Operations Squadron on being selected as the November Squadron of the Month!
The 5th Healthcare Operations Squadron (5 HCOS) supports the 5th Bomb Wing and the 91st Missile Wing by hosting Pediatric and Family Health dependent care as well as Women’s Health specialty care to include, all ancillary care (labs, rads, vaccines, medications, etc.) serving our 11.8K patient population. 5 HCOS is also responsible for maintaining the facility, supply accounts, Information Technology, as well as managing the MDG’s budget and personnel authorizations.
The immunizations clinic is currently preparing for mass flu lines and will coordinate with commanders as supplies arrive to meet the DoD target goal of 15 January. To ease the burden of Cold and Flu season, the Pharmacy is now offering a Cough and Cold Over the Counter Program. Patients who are assigned an MTF provider, not on PRAP or FLY status, and over the age of 6 can present to the Pharmacy window to see if they meet qualifications for this care. As a reminder, all supervisors have the authority to issue 24-hour quarters to their members!
The 5th Healthcare Operations squadron is dedicated to providing the best care to Minot AFB!