The Wing Command Spouse at any base has likely been a mil spouse for decades. They have been privy to many of the perks and downfalls of the military family lifestyle. They’ve been through a lot and have a lot of wisdom to share. Minot AFB is blessed to have not ONE, but TWO Wing Command Spouses. Although just meeting a few months ago, the two ladies have become fast friends and have plans for how to bring the base and their wings together.
Introducing: Mrs. Nathalie Lamarand ~ Spouse of Col Jesse Lamarand, CC 5th Bomb Wing and Mrs. Monica Schlabach~ Spouse of Col James Schlabach, CC 91st Missile Wing
Nathalie has been a mil spouse for many years. Although she was raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, she attended Louisiana Tech University in her 20s and it was there in Shreveport, Louisiana, that she met her now husband (Now Col Lamarand, then 1LT Lamarand) in a local bar. Col Lamarand was stationed at Barksdale AFB at the time. The couple hit it off and got married a few years later. They have two daughters–Kamryn, 25, and Eva, 13–who is an 8th grader at Memorial Middle school.
Before her marriage, Nathalie worked in a Student Affairs office, but decided to focus on raising and supporting their family as a stay-at-home parent after becoming a mil spouse. Nathalie loves what she does now and is glad she left the outside-the-home workforce saying, “I don’t regret it. Now I support my family and get involved by volunteering. That’s how I can help.” Nathalie explained that military life has made her grow in ways she could not have imagined. She said, “[Military life] has made me a better human and more empathetic towards others because I have been around the block, and [I] know what to expect and what questions to ask.”
Mrs. Monica Schlabach has served 25 unofficial years in the military spouse service. She is a familiar face to Minot as she has been here since 2022 when Col Schlabach took over as commander of the 91st Operations Group. The couple has a daughter, Lilliana, 23, who is now married to AF pilot-in-training 2d Lt Ben Moore. The Schlabachs also have a son, Andrew, 20, who is away studying at Purdue University.
Over her lifetime, Monica has worked both in and out of the house in paid and unpaid positions. She explained that military life has shaped her professional outlook tremendously because she has been afforded the opportunity to do something new or be something new at every base/location. She said, “I used to have a hard time putting myself out there. The Air Force cured me of that. I have learned to go outside my comfort zone and reinvent myself at every base. Jim (Col Schlabach) has been very understanding.”
In their joint interview, Nathalie and Monica agreed that “Team Minot” is the goal when it comes to family support. Although both women support individual wings, with a very specific set of challenges and mission, they are going to try and help families focus on being part of the base as a whole.
The ladies mentioned that their husbands and other members of the command team have seemed to hit it off immediately too, just like themselves. Monica explained that they are excited to be working together as one base instead of separate entities. Natalie said, “We are all in this together. The energy is amazing.”
When speaking about specific places they would like to affect change on Minot AFB during their time here, Monica said that she really wants to help in any way she can the Missile Care Child Care program for Missileers and Security Forces members who have to work in the missile facilities for a week at a time. She said, “Missile Care is a huge issue, the first step is recognizing it. If people don’t have childcare, it’s hard to focus on their jobs.” She explained the care is critical and she hopes to explore more ways to make it easier for the Airmen and families.
Nathalie mentioned that she is most passionate about keeping connectivity and communication between the family members and the Active Duty and taking full advantage of the Key Support Liaison Program (previously Key Spouse Program).
Both women say that the best parts of being a mil spouse is all the quick and strong friendships formed along the way of the journey, and the chance to see and explore places all over the world. They also mentioned a unique hidden perk to this lifestyle is watching their children develop people skills and a broad worldview with all the life experiences. Monica said, “Every place has an impact on their worldview.”
As the summer turns chilly, Minot AFB heads into a new chapter with the new leadership and their fantastic support teams, Nathalie and Monica, behind them. We can’t wait to see what the next two years bring!
With all their mil spouse life experience, Monica & Nathalie wanted to leave some encouragement for new or young spouses headed to Minot this season: