Soft Wave Still Amazes Patients

For Michelle Erickson, Chiropractic Assistant at Cornerstone Chiropractic, her over 8 months of administering Soft Wave treatments has given her the opportunity to interact with patients and be part of their healing process. “I had not heard of Soft Wave Therapy when I started here, but after sitting in on sessions with the Dr. Matt and Dr. Fielhaber I was able to learn about Soft Wave, and the benefits it has for the patients” according to Erickson. The most obvious question for Michelle was if she had taken Soft Wave treatments “which I have, on my foot” shares Erickson “I had gotten new shoes, with heels, and they ended up hurting my foot.”

The parts of the body most common for Soft Wave treatment? “Well feet for sure, and then backs, knees, shoulders and hips” says Erickson. What Erickson has discovered is that most of the time when you have pain in your lower back, it more than likely is going to be connected to something else “like their TFL (tensor fasciae latae) muscle that is in their hips and their IT (iliotibial) band which works with the muscles in your thigh to provide support to the outside of the knee joint” and there will normally be a lot of pain in those two areas that are symptomatic and cause pain in a lot patients.

The first Soft Wave session is exploratory to determine where the pain and discomfort may be coming from. Of those patients who have the first session “I would say that almost 80 per cent of them will be candidates for the Soft Wave therapy” according to Erickson.

Most patients will feel immediate relief after just one session of Soft Wave “and that’s the really cool thing about Soft Wave” says Erickson “once they feel relief it gives them the incentive to keep going.”

Not every patient is a Soft Wave patient, but there are many patient testimonials that speak to the effectiveness of Soft Wave. “There was one woman who came in and the pain was so intense that she was angry, angry about having so much pain in her back and hip. When we were done I told her to sit up and focus on how she felt right now. How much different is your pain right now than when you walked through the door” tells Erickson. “She sat up and started crying. She had been in pain for so long, she did not know what it was like to not feel pain and she told me that she did not feel any pain.”

There was also an older gentleman that had fallen on his shoulder that signed up for Soft Wave treatments and after a few months of not being able to sit or sleep comfortably, the Soft Wave treatments were effective and he was able to sleep, sit and do normal household activities like mowing the lawn and raking leaves.

Soft Wave is part of the total care package offered at Cornerstone Chiropractic, and Erickson is quick to point out that it is not a one size fits all kind of program.

For more information about Soft Wave treatments, you can go to the Cornerstone Chiropractic Facebook page or website or call and talk to Michelle at (701) 852-2800.

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