After Disastrous Pipe-Leak, Discovery Center Seeks Community Support

A contractor arriving to begin cleanup at the Discovery Center. courtesy photo
Discovery Center employees posing amidst the standing water on the main level.
Courtesy photo

On the Morning of February 20th Mike McCloud, Executive Director at the Magic City Discovery Center, went to unlock the beloved Children’s Museum just as he has done on countless other mornings. What he walked into was the sound of alarm bells, half an inch of standing water, and unusually humid air. The museum had experienced a burst pipe on one of its outer walls that had spread across the main floor and leaked down into the lower level. The pipe was later estimated to have been leaking for six hours. And while the valiant effort of staff and contractors meant that museum exhibits are once again up and running, it is not simply back to business as usual for the Discovery Center.
While the exact cause remains unconfirmed, the leak did coincide with the tail end of the Arctic Blast that had hit the Magic City that week. This event caused the temperature to nosedive to a record setting 33 below zero on February 19th, the day before the leak was discovered. The museum remained closed through Monday, March 3rd, at which point the main level and second floor were once again opened to the public. This meant that families who had signed up for Dino Camp on March 5th and 6th were able to attend as planned and students were still able to stop by over Minot Public Schools’ Spring Break.
Families had been able to take advantage of a 30% discount due to the lower level being unavailable, however this meant lost revenue for the Discovery Center. Fortunately, as of March 10th, the lower level exhibits are once again operational with the exception of the bathrooms, which had to be gutted and will need to be rebuilt.
Further damage on the lower level included the staff offices. Electronics and paperwork as well as the wiring within the walls were affected by the leak as it poured down into the space. Fortunately, it narrowly missed the adjacent server room. A makeshift office has been set up on the top floor of the building, however this has delayed other scheduled work that was to be done in that space.
Few may be aware that the Magic City Discovery Center, despite its title, is not managed by the City of Minot. As a non-profit they rely on grants, admissions, membership fees, and donations in order to operate. This also means that, despite working with insurance on damages as well as how to recoup lost revenue and wages, they are responsible for much of these costs up front. And while the full financial repercussions are not yet known, in the near term they are responsible for covering their $58,000 insurance deductible.
The Discovery Center benefits the local community by offering a fun and educational indoor space with a variety of STEAM programs geared toward not just children but adults as well. In a press release on February 28th they shared that, “Our community has always been at the heart of MCDC, and we’re so grateful for your support during this time. If you’d like to help, donations of any size will go directly toward repairs and restoration, and we will ensure we can continue providing a safe and exciting space for kids and families.” To be a part of this effort, individuals can access the Center’s donations page at . While speaking to the Sentry, Mike emphasized that this effort is only just getting started and that they are still in need of donations. He added, “$25 helps more than giving nothing” and that they were grateful for any amount that individuals or groups felt called to give.
To keep up with the latest developments at the Magic City Discovery Center to include upcoming events and classes, individuals can follow them on social media or visit their website at

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