March Squadron of the Month-791st Missile Security Forces Squadron

The 91st Missile Wing Command team would like to congratulate the 791st Missile Security Forces Squadron on being selected as March Squadron of the Month. The “Dark Horses” of the 791st Missile Security Forces Squadron advanced the protection of the nuclear security enterprise and recertified its license to secure nuclear assets during the recent Nuclear […]

A Photo Tells The Whole Story

I had the honor of being able to review every photo submitted to The Northen Sentry in our recent photo contest. It’s always a pleasure to see all of the various photos as they capture the people and the lifestyles of ordinary folks. In my younger days I was a very avid and focused photographer. […]

Where is Fort Rice?

A little known Army fort in a place most people know little about, had a big part in the settling of the western Dakota Territory. Fort Rice was established on July 7, 1864 by Gen. Alfred Sully north of the mouth of the Cannonball River and south of the Heart River’s mouth. In other words, […]