March Squadron of the Month-791st Missile Security Forces Squadron

The 91st Missile Wing Command team would like to congratulate the 791st Missile Security Forces Squadron on being selected as March Squadron of the Month.

The “Dark Horses” of the 791st Missile Security Forces Squadron advanced the protection of the nuclear security enterprise and recertified its license to secure nuclear assets during the recent Nuclear Surety Inspection. Over the course of the inspection week, 273 Dark Horses performed around the clock security for the 8,500 square mile area of responsibility around Minot. Additionally, the Dark Horses were put to the test during an exercise scenario where they showcased their tactical prowess in a response to a calculated threat affecting Air Force resources.

The team’s quick reaction coupled with their scheme of maneuver, blocked enemy advancement, mitigating the loss and destruction of the nation’s most strategic assets. Additionally, the Dark Horses conducted their monthly Dark Horse Day with a focus on Overcoming Adversity. Fifteen peer-to-peer facilitators led instruction and activities, creating a safe environment for the navigation of sensitive subject matter. They established an environment of compassion, understanding and empathy. Their dexterity proved vital as they provided strategies and tools for the incorporation of resilience skills and proactive self-care. Finally, the Dark Horses were lead coordinators for both the 91 Missile Wing Annual Awards banquet and the Senior Master Sergeant Promotion Release Party.

The teams combined efforts ensured that the hard work, commitment and efforts of the Wing’s top Airmen did not go unrecognized. These actions amongst many others signifies that the 791st Missile Security Forces Squadron delivers uncompromised defense and protection of Air Force resources while taking care of Airmen and their families.

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