Home & Garden Show celebrates 50th Anniversary

The Minot Association of Builders (MAB)

The Minot Association of Builders (MAB) is a non-profit trade organization that was established in 1965. Our goal is to promote the home building industry, home ownership and affordable housing in Minot, ND and the surrounding areas. MAB represents the diversity of the building industry with members including builders, remodelers, developers, suppliers, manufacturers, architects, engineers, real estate companies, mortgage lenders, and many others.

This year is our 50th Home and Garden Show at the North Dakota State Fair. This show hosts many of the building industry specialists with over 100 vendor booths. If you are looking to remodel your existing home, we have people you can talk too. Looking to purchase a new home, we have experts to help you with that too.
Since this is our 50th anniversary, we wanted to go BIG! We have 3 large giveaways at the show: a 4-piece LG Kitchen appliance package from TJ Appliance, a 1-2 person Sauna from Magic City Home Leisure, and 20% off materials and labor (up to $7500) to build a deck from MUUS Lumber.

You will also have a chance to win 1 of 3 prizes by purchasing raffle tickets for just $10 a piece. First prize is a 6’ x 8’ chicken coop, 2nd prize is a hydroponics kit, 3rd prize is a $250 gift card to Lowe’s Garden Center.
Another great giveaway is at The Title Team’s hourly cash giveaway! They will be giving away $50 every hour starting 1pm on Friday and 11am on Saturday. Who couldn’t use more money??

Don’t forget to stop by our homestead booth: Lexi Lou will have sourdough starters, hydroponics and herbs, farm fresh flowers and eggs. There will also be a make and take area that will be fun for all ages.

The show has many fun things for kids too: Ready Builders Lego competition is Friday 6pm, and Saturday 10:30am and 1:30pm. The first 500 kids that come through the doors of the show will get a free hard hat and foam hammer from Future Builders! Other fun activities are the indoor sandbox and a coloring area.
In the center of the show is the Dacotah Bank Patio Pub where you can get a nice cold beverage and relax. There should be something for everyone.

The show is Friday March 14th noon-7pm, and Saturday 10am-4pm at the NDSF. The cost to enter the show is $5.00 (kids 12 and under are free) and if you show your military ID at the door, you will get $1 off your entrance fee.

Can’t wait to see you at the MAB Home and Garden Show!!

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