Dr. Amanda Capote, PhD
Do you know the old saying “If you don’t like the weather, just wait a few minutes-it will change”? That is the exact day to day of our music room at North Plains Elementary. From buckets, to spoons, recorders, ocarinas, fishing, ice skating, and food rhythms; the students are always asking “what are we going to do today?” And in the words of one of my second graders “it is always an adventure!” That to me is the best part of what I do. Creating an environment that is unique, supportive, inspiring, and enhancing music knowledge through creativity and curiosity. We talk about musicians of the past and their impact on the world around us through our musician of the month and talk about music around the world. Music is all around us and the 3rd graders are putting that to the test by exploring “found” sounds over the next few weeks.
Did you know anything could be music?