Women Connect Minot Announces Upcoming Workshop – Dream It, Vision Board It, Lead It


Minot Area Chamber EDC Women Connect

On February 5 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Minot Area Chamber EDC Women Connect is pleased to present a new event to help everyone see their leadership vision through for the new year. Each person has goals and visions for their careers and lives in 2025. Hopes and dreams are great, but how will they be achieved? Creating a vision board, a tool used to help turn a dream into reality, is a strong start.

A vision board is a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations that represent visions and goals that are then put together in one place, i.e., a poster board, to depict the outline of a journey or result one is trying to achieve. This is a hands-on event where participants will organize ideas and goals by making their own vision board and leave with a custom-made visual created to help manifest desired outcomes and take on the new year.

CMSgt (Ret.) Melvina Smith will be attending virtually to lead the vision board designing session. A distinguished military career of 32 years in the Air Force saw Smith rise to the role of Command Chief of Air Force Global Strike Command. Displaying exceptional leadership in fast-paced environments, business operations, and management, she was a top leader and guided 33,000 personnel within the nation’s greatest mission of nuclear deterrence. Now headed into retirement, Smith is sharing her keys to success.

“We are incredibly excited to have Mel sharing her expertise for this session,” said Brekka Kramer, Minot Area Chamber EDC President | CEO. “The community really resonated with her story when she was the keynote speaker at our Women Connect signature event in the fall, brought in thanks to our presenting sponsor Hess Corporation. She discussed vision boards and how setting achievable goals contributed to her success, and it just made sense to have her back to inspire and educate the Minot area community in the same way. She was a high-demand guest that really resonated with our attendees, and we’re honored to have her kicking off our 2025 Women Connect events.”

Facilitating the course in-person will be Michelle Wall, member of the Women Connect Committee and trainer for Dale Carnegie of ND & MN. Michelle has been a driving force behind countless success stories, impacting lives and empowering individuals to reach their full potential. Supplies will be provided; however, all attendees are encouraged to bring special pictures, graphics, or affirmations to include.

The event will be hosted at The Foundry’s Makery space, on the second floor of the Brick-and-Mortar District Building located at 400 East Central Avenue in Minot. There is elevator access for ease of accessibility.
All Women Connect events are open to everyone, not just women. Tickets are $40.00 for Minot Area Chamber EDC member investors and $50.00 for non-members. Sponsorship opportunities are available as well for those looking to bring a team to the event. Space is limited, so hurry and get registered on the Minot Area Chamber EDC website at: https://www.chamberdata.net/webforms/EvtListing.aspx?dbid2=ndmin&evtid=528799&class=E

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