North Dakota’s hometown heroes…

Most of us who grew up in small towns in North Dakota didn’t believe at the time that we had much of a chance to become famous. The routine was the routine and for all we knew, we would grow up just like our parents and do the same thing they did, live and work […]
The Torch Is Passed

It was a typical Monday afternoon when Mark Jantzer, outgoing chairman of Task Force 21 joined me at the Northern Sentry office. We shook hands and almost immediately began to talk about his role with Task Force 21, and his hand off of chairman duties to Peter Hankla, current vice-chairman of TF 21. “I’ve been […]
FCC Provider of the Month – January

What do you enjoy most about being an FCC Provider?I find great pleasure in creating numerous memories with children and witnessing their growth. It brings me immense joy to contribute to the community by offering various childcare services. Above all, I cherish the opportunity to spend quality time at home with my own children while […]