Kindness can come in attitudes, courtesy, a smile, or even from a heartfelt letter. Over the past two years, dorm Airmen at Minot AFB have been receiving sweet letters from base kids offering encouragement and kindness. The program, known as Kindness in Dorms (K.I.D) is organized by Dakota Elementary teacher, Melvina Murray. Melvina said, “It’s just meant to be something quick and a way for them to help motivate our Airmen.”

The K.I.D. Program at MAFB bridges the gap between Airmen and the local community by providing emotional support through letter exchanges, fostering a sense of belonging and connection, while empowering second-grade students to actively participate in a meaningful, base-wide initiative.
Melvina started this program as a way to help ease the Airmen stressors that can be caused from being away from family. In years past, Melvina and her teaching partner were able to manage the program, but they needed more help this year. Melvina expressed, “We talked to them [students] in the beginning right before we started and explained how when we get home from work or when they get home from school, their parents are there waiting…. we just let them know the reality that’s not the case for our Airmen.” As letters are written, Melvina, with the help of her children and her husband, Captain Avaris Murray, from the 91 Operations Group, distributes letters to dorms every Friday on an alternating schedule. They work on a rotation between all of the MAFB dorms, switching each week. Melvina said they just finished up with their rotation this past Friday and will start over this week.
The Airmen appreciate the letters just as much as the second graders love writing them! One Airmen, A1C William Ritchie from 5FSS said, “I felt happy when I got this letter and proud of who I’m going to be later in the future.” Another Airmen shared a similar sentiment, A1C Ellen Kemper from 5LRS said, “I was having a rough time being away from home. Receiving this letter at Christmas made me feel less alone.” Airmen don’t get to just receive; they can also write back! On each letter’s bag, a QR code is attached where Airmen can scan and make a response virtually. Melvina said, “We read it [the Airmen’s response] to the students… they love it when their name gets shouted.”
The 741 Missile Squadron has also been a huge part of the K.I.D Program. Back over the holidays, there were too many letters to drop off and not enough hands to do it, so the 741 MS went with Melvina and her family, and they spent the frigid December morning delivering letters like Santa’s little mailmen. The letters usually come with a little sweet treat, and all the candy is provided by donations from the MAFB community through Mrs. Murray’s classroom. The 741 MS has also provided a candy drop-off location within their squadron building which is located in the 91 MW building. Melvina voiced, “It’s definitely a base-wide effort… It’s amazing!”
With the help of her family, the 741 MS, the base community, and even her second-grade helpers who helped pack the K.I.D bags, this program has become an impactful success for the MAFB dorm Airmen. We are hopeful the program will continue for a long time!