If all has gone according to plan, you might be reading this article on the Northern Sentry’s brand new website! If you are reading this in the print version of the paper, head on over to NorthernSentry.com and see our new look for yourself!
The new website design was put in place so we at the Northern Sentry could have a more precise way to reach and serve the MAFB community. After all, our whole goal is to “Share the MAFB Adventure”. With this in mind, we knew we needed a new modern look with a more user-friendly and mobile-friendly way for readers to view and interact with our online content.
The new website not only comes with a fresh look, but it also exhibits an adaptable model so that we can be ready for changes and trends in the future.
The Northern Sentry, with a few name changes, has served the MAFB community as the base newspaper for over 70 years! Today, it remains one of the only Air Force base newspapers left in circulation. The focus of the Northern Sentry has been primarily on the hard copy newspaper delivered straight to your doors. While this service, our bread and butter, will continue, more recently we have adapted and expanded our digital sphere presence so that you, our readers and our community, can discover and share your MAFB Adventure with others.
And if we have learned anything, it is that adapting, while still staying true to our roots, is the best way forward.
With that business model plan, we have improved upon our website with the reader and community in mind. While we do anticipate a few kinks to work out (as with any new website) we hope you enjoy, share and like the new site just as much as we do. If something isn’t working for you, please do let us know and we will do our best to get it fixed quickly!
Stay tuned for the Best of MAFB Awards coming up in February and make sure you submit some Wintery Photos for our contest for a chance to get tickets to Bottineau Winter Park! The Northern Sentry is the baseline for everything community-related at Minot Air Force Base, and doing what we can to better serve you as our mission.