On Thanksgiving morning, I woke up with a burning question on my mind: Where does a lefse go in a Hotdish Land holiday buffet line?
A couple months ago I made cookie salad for my first time, and documented the experience on Instagram. Nearly 100k views and hundreds comments and messages later, I had gotten many requests for a video showcasing Snickers Salad.

Although I’d heard locals talk about Snickers Salad, until the comments rolled in, I hadn’t really thought about the recipe. I guess I assumed it was a “salad” with elements that invoked the taste of a Snickers bar: nuts, caramel drizzle, maybe some chocolate pieces. I didn’t realize the recipe’s primary ingredient would be diced up candy bars tossed with apples.
I tried the recipe and posted the results on my Instagram account. Comments have been pretty positive, although I did make some mistakes in my technique. The best part, though was trying it with my family, and the fun we had testing out something special to the region we live in, but outside of the traditions we grew up with.
With these cooking adventures fresh in my mind on Thanksgiving morning, I opened my eyes and immediately thought about lefse.
If cookies mixed with Cool Whip is a salad, and candy bars and apples were a salad—where does lefse fall in the holiday buffet line? In the past, I’ve been offered lefse with butter and sugar as a dessert, or after-meal treat. But in light of what I’ve recently learned about Upper Midwest “salads,” it just didn’t seem possible that lefse—a fairly bland, potato tortilla—could truly be served alongside pie and bars. (I’m hoping the locals will forgive my harsh description of your beloved lefse.)
After mulling it over with my husband and coming up with no suitable answer, I turned to social media to ask the experts: local Hotdishers to chime in and clear up the confusion.
In less than 24 hours, I got nearly 100 responses. While I’d like to say the comments clearly answered my question, that wasn’t the case. The relationship between Hotdish Land and lefse has simply proven to be as mysterious and intriguing as ever.
Here is a sampling of the responses I received. (Some responses have been shortened for clarity.)
“Lefse is normally, coffee break food, but on a holiday it’s served before and after dinner. Cookie salad goes with desserts.”
“Lefse is part of the main meal. We think of it like a dinner roll.”
“Lefse acts like a potato on Thanksgiving.”
“Snickers Salad is a side dish. Lefse is dessert. I don’t make the rules, I just follow them.”
“Lefse is its own category, it sits on the ‘old-people-playing-cards’ table. Everyone eats it all day.”
“Lefse is part of the meal, and a dessert, and a snack anytime of the day.”
“Anything called ‘salad’ is a side dish. Lefse is an appetizer.”
“Lefse is everything. My grandfather just rolled turkey and stuffing in it and dipped it in gravy—while I was spreading butter and sugar on mine.”
“Salads are sides, not dessert. Lefse is part of the main meal. Dessert is pies and bars.”
“Lefse goes with bread and rolls.”
“In our house, lefse never comes out until dessert.”
“Lefse is anything and everything you want it to be. Put it out with appetizers. Pass it around with the meal. Squeeze in a piece before dessert. Eat one after dessert. Have one to settle your stomach when you’re too full. Salads are for the main meal, then served again at dessert.”
By far, my question about lefse and “salads” created more discussion online than nearly anything else I’ve ever written. That last response really seems to sum it up: lefse is main dish, side dish, appetizer, and dessert. Salads are sides and dessert. After all the comments and private messages, one thing is clear: locals love their lefse. I’m still a little lost, but what do I know? After all, I’m not from around here.
For more stories of Hotdish Land, and to find recipes for cookie and Snickers Salad, join me on Instagram and Facebook at @HeyMinot. You can also find me online at amyallender.com.