FCC Provider of the Month – December 2024

Amanda Roberts

What do you enjoy most about being an FCC Provider?
My FCC babies and their families! I also love working from home, and the friendships I’ve made with other providers. I’m constantly learning new things and getting ideas from everyone all the time.

What are your interests/hobbies?
Being a wife and mama to my 4 kids is at the top of that list but outside of that, football season is my favorite time of year – even as a Giants fan. I’m a huge Swiftie, I enjoy cold brew coffee from With Room Coffee and reading psychological thrillers on my kindle!

What advice do you have for new providers/those interested in being FCC Providers?
If your heart is really in this it can be a great opportunity to help provide for your family, however it’s not just babysitting. There is a LOT that goes into being an FCC provider and it is overwhelming at first. Don’t just jump in with 6 kids. Start slow, work up to more kids when you’ve figured out what works for you, what ages you’re comfortable with, how many kids your space holds comfortably, etc. Give it a little time, adjust to your kids/families in care, find what works for you, ASK QUESTIONS (to any of the providers – we’re always more than happy to help!), and have fun with your kids! You’ll find a rhythm. I’m always here to help if you need!

For more information about FCC, please check out the following website: https://5thforcesupport.com/fcc/.

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