The stage was full of color. There were many costumes and special props. The story was a fairytale that everyone knows, Cinderella, performed by the Mouse River Players. In the director’s chair for this very special holiday presentation was Lin Knickerbocker, veteran of many MRP productions.
“I was a theater major for 2 years, but then I just plain ran out of money” according to Lin. Not able to sign for her own college loan or get help from her Dad to co-sign, Lin didn’t let the dream of being around and on a stage escape her. She would go out “and be in the work world” Lin relates, but dive head into participating in local and regional theater in the area where she grew up, Pennsylvania and up-state New York.
She learned a lot by doing a lot “and just helping out where I was needed whether it was costumes or behind the stage” Lin said. Then another opportunity would come her way, the Society for Creative Anachronism which focused on medieval times and required unique costuming.
Marriage to her husband Tim, moving from place to place and finally landing in Minot at Minot Air Force Base would lead her to Mouse River Players and the opportunity to become part of and expand her horizons in local theater.
Again, fast forward to Friday night and the opening night of Cinderella as Lin and her family including husband Tim and daughters Courtney and Brittany would be part of this elaborate production that required that at times the entire stage be filled with actors who told the musical story of Cinderella. But as strong at the ties were between Cinderella and the Minot community, perhaps as strong were the ties to the Minot Air Force Base community that supported the production with cast members, tech crew and set construction workers, just to name a few. “I guess we can start with Dorian Garland” says Lin “Dorian is a member of our board, he was in my ensemble, he’s a go getter for MRP and the show, and he helps us to recruit volunteers from base to help with ushering, working in the concession stand, being ticket scanners and anywhere we need help.” Dorian has also organized a theater club on base to support Mouse River Players. The group consists of active duty military and dependents.

Also on stage was Terri Potter, an active duty Airmen who played Lord Pinkerton. “And perhaps the most unique story is that of Nolan Hulick who was cast as Jean-Michel. He was just getting going in the part when he was notified he would be deployed and not be here for the performances,” But on stage would be Ella, or Cinderella, Nicole Swain. Nicole’s husband Tom is active duty military and he, too, would be deployed and not be able to see his wife perform the key role.
And then Lin was quick to point out others with Ella Bartholomew who worked backstage and lighting technician Lauren Westphal. “But that’s kind of how it all works. People with an interest show up and we are able to find them jobs, whether it be building or painting sets, helping with make-up, or all of those other jobs that we need help with” says Lin.
Mouse River Players is certainly a true community effort, whether it be the Minot community or the Minot Air Force Base community. There are still 3 more shows left in the 2024-2025 season “and we can always use volunteers” Lin continues. And then this summer MRP will join with the Western Plains Children’s Opera to put on a show “last year we did Shrek.” Lin also shared that if there is someone out there that is a bit more adventurous “we can always use people to serve on our board, too.”
Note: A quick check of the box office web site revealed that there were still a few tickets remaining for the upcoming performances of Cinderella on November 29, 30 & December 1st. Some of the seats are single only.