The Scoop On Remote Starters
In recent years many new cars have come equipped with remote starters. My Ford pickup, for example, not only came with a remote starting system, but the ability to access the remote start system from my smart phone. But what about the 20% of the vehicles that do not come with a remote starting system, […]
Snowball Cookies: A sweet tradition to mark the start of winter
Many things change over the course of a year. But some things seem to withstand the pace of the world, politics, and everything else. One of the steadfast hallmarks of life in Hotdish Land is wondering when the first snow will come, making guesses about when it will happen, and bracing for it—knowing that the […]
What To Write About On A Blustery Tuesday Afternoon
Looking out the window I am sure that we all had the same view on Tuesday afternoon. We had been given fair warning, and sure enough the wind, snow and colder temperatures arrived almost on que. The National Weather service had waffled in the amount of snow we were going to receive, but when they […]
What’s with the word salad?…
With November being high school football playoff time in North Dakota, there’s been a lot of talk about the teams that have gone through their respective divisions and onto the Dakota Bowl. As many of us know, high school football has been re-aligned again and there are actually six divisions of North Dakota high school […]