It was red, white and blue through and through. North Plains Elementary hosted a Veterans Day celebration on Friday afternoon, November 8th, and the gymnasium of the school was packed!
As any good Veterans Day should, Dr. Amanda Capote, Music Teacher at North Plains asked the crowd to join the students in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the National Anthem. It was great to hear the enthusiasm in the young voices. Some students took the extra effort and dressed in stars and stripes, others favored the red, white and blue theme and each and every student shared in the enthusiasm of the moment.
Then there was music, also befitting of a Veterans Day event. 4th, 5th & 6th grade girls sang Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, a tune made popular in the big band era of WWI. Following the girls were 4th, 5th & 6th grade boys singing a song made popular by Lee Greenwood, Proud to be an American. The final tune for the afternoon was American Dream as the boys and girls on stage joined together to create a very fitting end to the musical portion.

Next on stage was the MAFB Honor Guard doing a flag folding demonstration and Taps.
Minot Mayor Tom Ross was called to the stage to introduce his now friend and Commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, Col. Jesse Lamarand. Col. Lamarand sat down and read the book, America’s White Table which talked about how one family remembered their Uncle, who was no longer at the dinner table. A veteran who would be missed. At times the gymnasium once filled with excitement, would quiet down as those who listened intently to Col. Lamarand hung on every word. At times several in the audience had tears in their eyes. It was a very moving and special time for everyone.
With a thank you to the parents and students, Dr. Capote ended the Veterans Day Celebration.