When COVID went global, and people were forced to stay home and find ways to carry on their vocation, a new set of rules emerged. We were already entering a time when working from home, and not in a brick and mortar office, was going to become more of a norm than an exception. But COVID pushed us over the edge.
Working from home, no brick and mortar offices, zoom meetings…all of those things work fairly well for businesses, except if you are a local community newspaper. That’s not to say that the Northern Sentry hasn’t adopted some of those best practices. For example, our operation and editorial information zoom call take place at 12:45 PM Central Time on Fridays. Publisher Ted Bolton and I are in Minot, but not often in the same office. Editor & Social Media Specialist Erin Beene is in Hawaii, and head of production and graphics, Nikki Greening is in New Brunswick, as in Canada. The difference in time zones between Erin and Nikki? 6 hours…during Standard Time, 5 hours during Daylight time. To put things a bit more into perspective. Nikki’s kids are just getting home from school and looking for those after school snacks. Erin’s kids are getting ready to begin their school day. As for Ted and I? We have just had lunch and are thinking a nap would be good, if we had time.
As I have so often stated, the job of the Northern Sentry is to cover the mission of the Minot Air Force Base. The Minot AFB is a community all to its’ own, and like most communities there are a plethora of activities not only involving the mission of the base, but the community.
For example, there are 3 schools on base and each of them creates newsworthy events that need to be covered. Schools are just one example. There are clubs and organizations that cater to every part of the Minot AFB population. To accomplish the task of covering all of these events we have myself and Erin, and 3 part time reporters. Sometimes that number isn’t enough boots on the ground to cover all of the activities so we rely on submitted news stories and photos (thank you!)
All of us on the Northern Sentry staff have a common passion. We want to deliver the absolute best community newspaper, hands down. And it’s that passion that makes our product so special.
I would certainly be remiss without mentioning the partnership we have with 5th Bomb Wing Public Affairs. The collaboration between the Northern Sentry and PA (as we call them) is probably unmatched anywhere in the country.

You’ve made it work, so what?
Next Monday is Veteran’s Day, and it is with pride that the Northern Sentry presents our Tribute to Service insert. This year we have increased the pages in our Tribute to 12. Besides our normal staff, we add in articles from our regularly featured columnists. No local community newspaper can boast the quantity, and more important the quality of these additional editorial staff. Amy Allender, Kim Fundingsland and Marvin Baker have all submitted articles.
What I have learned over my years as a journalist is that each of us has a different style and flair to our writing. To combine those styles into one well produced piece is a lot of work. Please, take the time to read the Tribute to Service, and I am sure you will be as amazed as I am at this treasure of stories. Our goal is a Tribute to the men and women who either serve their country as active duty, or support those who serve with contributions of time and efforts on their behalf. I think we have accomplished and exceeded that goal. It could not have been done without the dedication of our staff. It’s nice to work with great people.
A Great Nation
If there is one underlying theme in the stories of this year’s Tribute to Service, it would be that of sacrifice. Mothers who saw multiple members of their family sent off to battlefields so far away. Men and women who not only saw the need to enlist in one war but stepped up and were ready to serve their country in a second. Stories of those returning home and just kind of stepping back into their lives without any expectations of heroes welcomes. And that same sacrifice continues today. We awoke Monday morning to news of the deployment of 5 B52’s from Minot Air Force Base to the Middle East to send a solid warning to our adversaries that indeed we are ready again, should the need arise, to defend our country. As we celebrate Veteran’s Day, let us never forget those who served, and are serving the greatest nation in the world.
And Finally, A Bit of A Chuckle
We really do assume too much sometimes. Recently I was paging through one of those rummage sale sites that have become so common on Facebook. A lady had posted a photo of “A Couple of Antiques- For Sale Cheap.” The photos were quite clear. There was an old IBM typewriter sitting next to a 50’s era dial phone. In the comment section, and I kid you not, was a question? What are they? The answer? I’m not sure. They came from my grandfather’s house, so they must be old…
Best Kept Secret
Have you ever tried curling? The Minot Curling Club has always opened its doors to people who want to learn to curl. On the club website, minotcurling.com, there is a calendar that includes open house events. Nope, don’t need expensive equipment. Instruction and equipment provided free of charge.