The Northern Sentry is a publication that dates all the way back to the 1950s when it was known as the Jet Gazette. Over the past 70 years the paper has evolved into the thriving community centered news outlet that it is today. It is one of a handful of Air Force base newspapers still in print weekly. And arguably, it is the only one that actively focuses on the community and works to engage with the base public in a meaningful way.
This paper has only survived and thrived due to the constant dedication of the small, yet determined, team behind the scenes. While there are a few people who you have likely seen around the base and the community who do so much for the paper, this article aims to introduce some of the newest members of the Northern Sentry: the base reporters.
Newly hired to capture the moments and life experiences of those working and living on Minot AFB are Nataly Zarrella, Kerianne Noel, Martina Kranz, and intern Hannah Waters. Nataly, Kerianne and Hannah have joined the team recently and Martina has been working with the Northern Sentry since the summertime.

While all of these women serve the base and city communities in other capacities too, they are all dedicated to representing the true aspects of sharing the Minot adventure. They are here to tell your story, experiences and life. So, if you see them around if you have a story to share, they’d be honored to talk to you about it.
Welcome to the team Martina, Kerianna, Nataly and Hannah! We are excited to have them aboard and know MAFB will benefit from you helping share their stories.
More details about the Northern Sentry team: https://northernsentry.com/about/
*If you are interested in learning more about the rich history of the Northern Sentry and Minot AFB, check out this story about the history of the newspaper https://northernsentry.com/2023/09/07/70-years-of-sharing-your-minot-afb-adventure/. Or, if you’d like to do your own research, discover many of the historical editions of the Northern Sentry shelved in our very own Minot AFB library.