Make the Grade, Earn Rewards with the Exchange!

You Made the Grade Program Returns for 2024-25 School Year The Army & Air Force Exchange Service’s You Made the Grade Program is back for its 24th year, rewarding military students who earn good grades with exclusive discounts, prizes and savings. All traditional and non-traditional military students in first through 12th grades, including those who […]
Invasion of the animals…

Just about anywhere in the state of North Dakota, there have been reports in recent years of unusual animal sightingsThese are animals that through recent history, at least, haven’t been seen in the state. But from 2000 on, numerous witnesses have come forward to tell their stories of what they may have seen.
It’s All About Community

Two events that you are going to read about in this week’s Northern Sentry gave me a bit of focus for this week’s article. First, a teacher at Memorial Junior High and now also at Minot North, Mr. Byron Boren, was named CTE (Career and Technology Education) teacher of the year in North Dakota. Mr. […]