The summer is in full swing and ensuring our K-12 students retain the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous school year is critical. Summer slide is defined as a loss of academic skills and knowledge that can occur during the summer break. Last week, I shared 5 strategies to beat summer slide. These strategies were 1) Read regularly 2) Visit the library 3) Engage in educational activities 4) Set learning goals and 5) Incorporate learning into daily activities.
Today, I want to share a key factor in ensuring these strategies are implemented and this is establishing a routine. A routine is important because it helps maintain a structured environment that fosters continuous learning and retention of social and academic skills. The routine does not have to mimic a school schedule but can be flexible and predictable for your K-12 student to know what to expect daily.
Of course, a routine will vary for elementary, middle, and high schoolers. Middle school students may have a much later start in the morning than elementary students. However, creating an environment where your K-12 student can expect academic and social engagement is crucial in beating summer slide.
How are you beating summer slide? What are some ways you are engaging your child to retain the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous school year?