This year’s city election is a perfect example of why voicing your opinion matters. We knew all along at least one new council member would be sworn in, with the potential of three new members joining the council. When the dust settled, your vote counted, and we will welcome the three new council members-elect. The swearing-in ceremony and reorganization of the council will take place on July 1 in Council chambers.
My thoughts on the outgoing members of the council, Steven Podrygula, Carrie Evans, and Scott Burlingame. Do not hang your heads. You worked hard for the City, and I can state without hesitation that I was proud and honored to serve with you.
Steven Podrygula, I have never met a person who is so well-prepared for council meetings. You poured your heart and soul into each and every meeting you attended. You dug deep to get to the very core of the issues facing the residents and the City. You were also a sounding board to a new council member and new mayor. I found myself reaching out to you for your opinion and advice at times. You were the calm in a few of my storms. I will never forget your willingness to help, especially when I was newly elected.
Carrie Evans, thank you. You took me out of my comfort zone, you taught me, and you brought issues to the council and made it possible for us to engage and discuss. These conversations and debates needed to happen, and they wouldn’t have happened without you. Like I’ve always said, “We all want the same for the City of Minot, we just have different routes to get there.” While I believe your route is something we have never seen before, you stood your ground, spoke loudly, and the bottom line is you care for your community. Thank you.
Scott Burlingame, two years is not enough. Your case is a great example of how a council can work together. Most people probably don’t realize that I supported your opponent when you were elected two years ago to fill the vacancy created when I moved into the mayor’s seat. Your demeanor, dedication, and approach to the issues the council dealt with pleasantly surprised me, to say the least. I know where your heart is, and I know you wanted to continue to serve this community. I have no problem asking you to stay engaged. Two years is a short time, but the impact you had on our community is positive and I know you will continue to serve our community to the best of your ability.
I look forward to welcoming our newest council members. They will help lead our City forward, as we all continue working together to create a Minot where we can all live, thrive, feel safe, and grow.
Thank you to all that voted in this election. Voting is the single most important responsibility we have as residents of Minot. It excited me to see parents bringing their children to the polls, showing them how important it is to engage and to make their voice be heard. To the parents who brought their children, thank you for leading by example. To the first time voters, I hope you left the polls knowing you did what people in many other countries in our world cannot do – you helped choose our leadership.
Whether the candidates you voted for won or lost, the bottom line is you spoke by casting your vote. The next step in this process is staying engaged. As a council, we are all approachable, and we will all listen. We may not agree on every subject, but I guarantee our council members will be respectful in your discussions, and I am certain you will be respectful as well.
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