5th Graders Tour Minot AFB During Summer STEM Program

MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. — The Department of Defense sponsored STARBASE program hosted a free and public Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics summer academy for fifth graders to tour Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, from June 10-12. The DoD STARBASE is an educational program sponsored by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of […]

Strategic bombers soar across Arabian Peninsula

U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY —U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress long-range strategic bombers integrated with U.S. and Coalition Forces throughout the Middle East, June 12 and 14, including passes through the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf, as part of Bomber Task Force, a rotational bomber presence in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility. […]

A Home for Art

On the corner of Main St and Central Avenue stands an impressive building that once housed the Union National Bank, but now holds fine art treasures that can be enjoyed by all. The Taube Museum of Art has called this historically renovated building home since 1997 and has featured many talents from the surrounding area […]